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Biology 100 Topics 1 2 3 I Biology Life Study living or nonliving 1 Living Apple 2 Nonliving A piece of meat is dead B Life simultaneous occurrence of all following 7 features in an object 1 Made of Carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen a Also 20 other elements P K N Mg Ca S ect 1 All living things have similar 20 elements in all organisms 2 Full of water 3 Are have or use cells 4 Exchanges energy and materials things with environment 5 Sense and respond to their environment 6 Can or have the ability reproduce a Possibly with the assistance of others 7 Have ability to evolve as a species C Sea monkeys artemia salina Cysts 1 Also known as brine shrimp 2 Before water Can boil them or put them in liquid helium and they will live Don t move Considered non living 3 After water alive and swim D Lichens fungus alga 1 If dry and put into liquid nitrogen and then put in water alive 2 If wet and put into liquid nitrogen non living E Frozen sperm eggs stem cells 1 Take out water and put in glycerol to put in liquid nitrogen F Virus made of DNA RNA protein fat 1 When they get into a living cell they take over and then make that cell reproduce G Preons extremely simple made from protein molecules that virus 2 Very simple 3 Only alive when in cells a They evolve 1 Only alive when in cells a They evolve 2 Causes diseases a Scrapie sheep b Wasting disease c Mad cow d Kuru II Cells 1 Most living organisms are single celled 2 Humans are estimated to have 100 trillion cells B Cell theory old 1 Cells are required for life must have cells or be a cell 2 Smallest unit of life cell 3 Cells originate only from other cells in nature a Craig Venter C Trying to create cells from scratch D Cell appearance 1 Enormous variety of shapes most are round or cube like 2 Diatoms single cell type of algae found in fresh salty water a All different shapes E Cell size 700 cells can fit on Lincolns head 1 Average typical size is 10 100 micro meters a All different sizes 2 Smallest cells can be 1 micro meter usually bacteria 3 Largest cells can be 1cm 10 s of cm a Fish eggs single celled b Marine algae single cell F Multi Cellular Advantages 4 Large organisms are always muli cellular 1 Better regulation of organism chem processes vs unicellular for only large organism a Ex Chemical reactions 1 A B C 2 Better compartmetation 3 Better specialization a Has more control 1 Mouth and anus a Can pass through cells b Has lots of surface area G Cellular basis of life 1 Cell major parts a Cell wall 4 Better exchange of materials to environment 1 800 small basketball same vol as big basketball 1 Found only in plants every plant has one bacteria and algae 2 Thick rigid structure 3 Function is support b Plasmalemma Membrane Thin film on the inside of cell wall surrounding the cell 1 2 protein and fat Proteins are membrane transporters i Move things out and move things in 3 Function make a barrier fat keeps membrane from dissolving Things can t go through the plasma keep everything in in and everything out out c Cytosol 1 Watery substance all over in the cell 2 Water keeps all necessary chemicals dissolved so we can do everything we do 3 Gooey stuff keeps it suspended and not in a clump due to gravity d Organelles distinct bodies have their own membrane 1 Chromosomes are in watery gooey substance in nucleus Chromosomes have the DNA and genes Function of genes pass info can run the cell i 2 Nucleus 2 membranes 3 Vacuole Plants have 1 big one animals have many little ones Plants store a lot of water i Full of water Function store chemicals and in plants store a lot of water that provides support of the tissue leafs 4 Mitochondria all multicellular cells have 2 membranes Mitochondrion inner membrane Watery gooey substance Function produce most energy i 5 Chloroplast Provides most energy for ATP 2 outer membranes Watery gooey substance Stacks of inner membranes Function photosynthesis Sunlight C sugar i 6 Golgi apparatus all multicellular organisms have them Transport systems Have many small stacks of membranes Vesicles leaving the edge are delivering Nothing is made by golgi It receives molecules maybe modify Send out smaller sacs bubbles vesicles Function to receive materials and deliver them throughout the cell them then delivers them 7 ER endoplasmic reticulum Involved with transportation Membrane channels if 3D called sheets No vesicles When ER has bumps protein its called rough ER When no bumps its called smooth ER It makes substances proteins and fats and delivers 8 Ribosomes All living cells have them Found anywhere in the cytosol When on ER they make protein 9 Cytoskeleton Function to support structure Found inside plamalemma Can attach to chromosomes and other organelles and move them around All cells have a plasmalemma All cells have organelles Not all cells have cell wall Only plants have chloroplast Nucleus gives direction H Multicellular algae that grows in fresh water vovox 1 Vovox is made up of Chlamydomonas unicellular algae

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