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1 What does the Brass Button Philosophy show us throughout the presentation a How to answer a difficult question 2 What are 2 types of advertising a Promote the product b Institutional advertising 3 Blink Adlet is what type of ad a TV 4 What did the gallery furniture company find was the best time of the day to advertise a Between 1 and 4 a m 5 Yoplait used breast cancer awareness what type of strategy is this a Cause related marketing 6 What percent of customers will be more likely to purchase a cause related product a 76 what a Sample 7 If you receive a Gillette razor in the mail this is an example of 8 What is test driving a car an example of a Sample 9 What is an example of a purpose of point of purchase POP display a Driving in traffic i Drive in traffic here 10 Which of the following is the Trojan fish strategy a When a product you buy has a low price but the accessories are more expensive 11 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING DOES NOT BELONG a Confidence 12 What is the final step in personal selling a Follow up 13 What is the game monopoly at McDonalds an example of a Sweepstakes sales promotion 14 55 of emotional impact you have is a Visual 15 What are the 2 types of dissatisfied customers a Angry b Remorseful 16 Customer value benefit cost 17 Implementation 2 questions 18 What are the 4 components of marketing analysis a Customer b Company c Competition d Conditions a Product b Price c Place d Promotion 19 What are the components of marketing mix 20 What is the criteria for effective segmentation 21 a Identifiable b Accessible c Responsive d Substantial ability sets your product apart 22 Unique Selling Proposition believable desirable proposition that 23 Mystery shopper this is a technique used to see how well the business handles customer service 24 What are the components of branding a Identifiable b Repeat sales c Introduce new products 25 Which is not a component of packaging a Speedy process 26 What does color on the label do for a company a Brand recognition Identifier 27 What is cognitive dissonance a The guilt a buyer feels after the purchase 28 What is the product life cycle IS NOT a Introduction b Growth c Maturity d Decline e Extension a Price b Promotion 29 What is juggled throughout the product life cycle 30 What is penetration price strategy a Set the price low to gain more market share 31 32 Tiffany s did teenage bracelet and stopped because it a Diluted their brand Charging 299 99 for a piece of jewelry is an example of a Psychological pricing 33 What are the 4 parts of the promotional mix a Advertising b Public relations c Sales promotions d Personal selling 34 When ellen degenrious used Samsung phone at the Oscars what is this an example of Product placement 35 What can sponsorship be a form of a Product placement 36 What s an aspect of keeping good public relations a Dealing with integrity with the media 37 What 3 purposes does the point of purchase POP display serve MAIN PURPOSE a Drive traffic 38 A successful technique is to introduce product at a significantly low price You love the product so much so you spend equal or more on accessories a Trojan Fish theory 39 What are the 3 steps of personal selling LAST STEP a Preparation b Close the sale c Follow up handle a question a Difficult 40 According to the brass button philosophy you must know how to 41 What is integrated marketing communication KNOW ADVERTISING PR SALES PROMOTION PERSONAL SELLING 42 What percent of emotional impact is vocal delivery a 38 b What percent of emotional impact is visual image i 55 i 7 c What percent of emotional impact is verbal arrangement 43 4 P s are part of the marketing mix and the marketing mix is part of the a Implementation 44 Price is not a component of a a Product 45 What is not a part of the customer decision making process cdmp a Evoked set 46 Which of these are an objective of branding a Introduce new products b Identification c Repeat sales 4 elements of promotional mix a Advertising b Public relations c Sales promotions d Personal selling 47 48 Types of price tactics NOT PRICE TACTIC a Single pricing b Bundling c Loss leader d Psychological pricing odd even e Prestige pricing f Rebate g Precise round number h Dynamic pricing 49 When you combine all four parts of the promotional mix and try to use them together to sell a product to the consumer a Integrated marketing communication 50 What are the 2 types of advertising a Product i Not promotional b Institutional i Change bad image to good 51 WITH BP SPONSORING THE OLYMPICS THIS SHOWED WHAT a INSTITUTIONAL ADVERTISING 52 What is the concept of a thin slice a How people evaluate you in 10 seconds accurately 53 what was an unethical pricing tactic a bait and switch 54 Functions of Packaging WHICH IS NOT FUNCTION SPEEDS THE PRICESS 55 THE GOT MILK CAMPAIGN FAILED INITIALLY BECAUSE OF WHAT a THEY WERE TARGETING THE WRONG MARKET 56 WHAT S THE CURSE OF KNOWLEDGE a HAVING TROUBLE PRESENTING INFORMATION EFFECTIVELY 57 According to Al Merhabian what percentage of your emotional impact on other people is judged according to vocal delivery Visual image Verbal arrangement a Vocal delivery 38 b Visual image 55 c Verbal arrangement of message 7 58 WHAT LEAD TO MAKING THE APPLE STORE SUCCESSFUL a ATMOSPHERE AND PERSONEL 59 61 62 63 64 Level 1 Market Analysis i Company ii Competition iii Customer iv Condition 60 a Level 2 Strategy Development i Criteria for effective segmentation 1 identifiable 2 accessible 3 substantial 4 responsive Implementation i Marketing Mix 4 P S PRICE IS NOT A COMPONENT OF A PRODUCT 2 types of dissatisfied customer a angry b remorseful PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE a Intro b Growth c Maturity d Decline e extension

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LSU MKT 3401 - Study Guide

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