COMM 320 SPRING 14 EXAM 4 ANGHELCEV Session 30 Change Behavior by Inducing Anxiety not outright fear less intense but uncomfortable and lasts longer Anxiety Ads 1 There is a clear and present problem 2 The way to avoid the problem is to buy the advertised brand Social Anxiety Ads i e heart medications athletes foot treatments used so often by Procter P G approach and Gamble sometimes referred to as the danger is negative social judgment as opposed to physical threat 1 Advertisers seek out insecurities in social roles irritate it a bit then offer a way to feel better i e dandruff shampoo weight loss products Guilt Inducing Ads the brand feeling of pending regret 1 Likely to become the dominant negative feeling in advertising over next make the consumer feel guilty for not taking action using decade overcoming fear 2 Straight guilt appeals may backfire 3 Mix with other emotions like empathy or compassion i e ASPCA ads Solution to an ever present problem long term brand commitment Generate widespread threat and motivate action effectively Efficient a little anxiety goes a long way Threat must be linked tightly to the brand could result in business for competitors Ethical Sexist Historically targeted at women Define the Brand Image meaning of the brand but the quick take away at the level of impression Expressed in visual terms i e Nike swoosh golden arches Extremely efficient in crowded environment Once established clear differentiation of one brand from another Not dependent on any one language perfect for international brands 1 Sparse use of words 2 Point to a brand quality or attribute related attitude evoke certain set Brand Image Ads of feelings thoughts meaning 3 Evaluated with tracking tests over time 4 Ensure that brand identity is truly understood how well verbal description is translated in a visual Less counterarguments generated by consumers Little or no legal regulatory exposure hard to determine truth falsity of a picture Iconic potential Creatives love them Very common in some categories can get lost i e fashion Quickly rejected if holds untrue or doesn t match consumers impression of the brand through prior experience Don t copy test well predominantly for words Poor understanding brand potential Give the Brand the Desired Social Meaning make material objects that already carry some meaning have the meaning you want them to have Slice of Life Ads Right social setting is key Brands rely on social meaning i e a Rolex is not just a watch 1 Depict ideal usage situation for the brand 2 Taking stance on a social issue 3 Track studies that measure attitudes beliefs and preferences over time pre and post exposure tests Fewer counterarguments generated by consumers Little or no legal regulatory exposure hard to determine truth falsity of a picture Iconic potential Creation of brand social realities perfect social world for the brand Creatives love them Very common in some categories can get lost Quickly rejected if holds untrue or doesn t match consumers impression of the brand through prior experience Don t copy test well predominantly for words Brand must embody the values in all activities beyond advertising Leverage and Social Disruption and Cultural Contradictions find a point where the social fabric is frayed i e gender race age politics labor economy etc and suggest that your brand gets it and is the unofficially sanctioned brand of the counter culture 1 Current social tensions that could be appropriated for selling brands 2 Key is seeing the cultural shift before it s obvious to everyone Tie Brand to Social Cultural Movement Transform Consumption Experiences advertiser tries to create positive memories of brand usage even before the consumer has used the brand Transforms actual consumption experience both at the time of consumption an in the consumer s memory Transformational Ads 1 Actually improves consumption experience 2 Creates brand feeling mood activated every time a consumer uses the product Extremely powerful merging of ad and brand experience Fosters long term commitment part of long term memory Can ring fake and hurt the brand Is the manipulation of experience ethical Session 31 Media Planners Medias are evolving so fast so varied so important to the shaping of a Creatives struggle with ad placement on social media networks new mobile message need management marketing options Convey what s possible through ever expanding media choices Essential Questions They Ask 1 Who is the target audience 2 How many people will be exposed i e reach 3 How many times i e average frequency 4 When timetable where geographically Account Planners Give consumer a voice in creative planning Creative Team 1 Copywriters 2 Art directors 3 Media planners 4 Account planners Copywriting process of expressing the value and benefits a brand has to offer via written or verbal descriptions 1 Never ending search for ideas combined with a never ending search for new and different ways to express those ideas 2 Has to be crafted to its medium or media 3 Copywriters well informed smart advertising decision makers with creative talents Session 32 Guest Speaker prof Ken Yednock Feature what a product has or is Benefit what a product does or gives You re not selling the product you re selling what it can do for the consumer i e nobody wants a power drill they want a hole in the wall WIIFM What s In It For Me What is creativity 1 Original thought 2 Putting things together in a never before seen way 3 Using communication to create a desired reaction with some predetermined audience Start at the end what do you want to happen Two necessary questions 1 Who is the target and what do you know about them 2 What is the essential message Creative Brief unique creative thought behind a campaign ignition for the creative team roadmap Typical Structure 1 Key Market Brand Facts 2 Cultural Fuel Competition 3 Purpose Benefits 4 Target Audience 5 Demographics psychographics lifestyles attitudes insight 6 What are the communication problems we re trying to solve 7 Bottom line focus of sale essence of message support why believe tone and manner Session 33 No matter how new the media are how great a marketing plan is and how insightful or visionary advertising strategies are poor message placement will undermine even the best laid plans and the coolest media If an ad doesn t reach the target market complete waste Above the line Promotion measured traditional measured media advertising i e tv spot magazines and
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