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Planning anticipating trends and deterring the best strategies Pleasing customers Organizing designing the structure of the organization and allowing for everything to work together 4 functions of management 1 setting goals 2 developing strategies 3 determining resources 4 setting standards 1 Assigning tasks procedures 2 preparing a chart to show authority responsibility 3 Recruiting selecting training of employees 4 placing employees where they ll be effective Leading empowring employees 1 Guiding and motivating 2 Giving assignments 3 Clarifying policies Controlling establishes clear standards 1 Measuring results against corporate objectives 2 Monitoring performance 3 Rewarding performance 4 Taking corrective action when necessary 2 Planning 1 Mission Statements 2 Goals 1 long term and broad accomplishments 3 Objectives 1 short term specific goals 1 self concept its philosophy long term needs customer needs social responsibility SWOT Analysis strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats 2 Weaknesses interenal problems no clear direction weak market image subpar performance 3 Opportunities how to grow expand transferring skills tech to new products 1 Strengths 4 Threats 5 Forms of planning 1 strategic planning setting of broad long range goals 2 Tactical planning identification of specific short range objectives 3 Operational Setting of work standards and schedules 4 Contingency Backup plans 6 PMI pluses minuses and implications for a solution 3 Levels of management 1 Top presidents CEO COO Introduce change Strategic planning 2 Middle general managers division managers branch plant Tactical Planning 3 Supervisory directly responsible for supervising workers 4 Skills 1 technical ability to do a task supervisory 2 HR communication and motivation 3 Conceptual sees the organization as a w hole Leading Controlling 1 establishes clear performance standards 2 Monitors actual performance 3 compares results against plans 1 must communicate a vision establish values promote ethics embrace change stress responsibility 4 communicates results and deviations to the appropriate employee 5 takes corrective action feedback 6 External Customers Dealers or others who buy products to sell to others Internal Customers individuals within the firm that receive services from other individuals or units 1 field salespeople are internal customers of the marketing research people who prepare market reports 8

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DREXEL BUSN 102 - Notes

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