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JWST235 I Holocaust a Nature of the Task b Impact i Demographic 1 3 of the Jewish population is eliminated but it is also 2 3 of Europe s Jews so this is going to effect European Jewry more than anything else 1 More than 1 million of the total 6 million were children under reproductive age this ruins the reproductive possibility for Jews in the coming year Jews are the only community who have not recovered from their losses in WWII 2 ii Qualitative destruction iii The State of Israel II III Holocaust History Stage I 1933 1939 January 1933 Nazis come to power a b April i Mass boycotts ii Eliminated from civil service iii Social security eliminated iv Quotas in schools c May book burning d September 1935 Nuremberg Laws revoke emancipation e 1938 Aryanization of Jewish corporations f Anschluss imposes all laws in Austria IV Kristallnacht a 1938 Polish Jews expelled and forced into detention centers b November 6 1938 Hershel Grynspan kills Ernest von Rath in Paris c November 9 10 1938 anti Jewish rampage in Germany Night of the Broken Glass burnings arrests and beatings V Jewish Reaction a 160 000 flee more than 50 of the Jews in Germany are able to escape before the beginning of the war i Restrictions in Palestine America and elsewhere b Creation of independent schools and self help organization c Suicide Final Solution VI a Not officially adopted until 1941 period of total war b Engel stresses that It is not necessarily there from the start i ii That is emerges from below iii That it is a bureaucratic response to an administrative problem VII VIII Ghettoization Jewish Reactions a The Jews don t now how to react to this unprecedented institution b Initial hope of status quo gives way to snatching at any hope c Traditional philosophy of patience is abandoned only gradually d Most enlightened are the least able to cope

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UMD JWST 235 - Holocaust

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