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JWST Lecture 2 February 4 2013 RECAP Pattern of Jewish population growth the most important thing to understand is the population explosion of Jews in the 18th and 19th century by 1938 almost 17 million Jews in the world and they have grown faster than any other kinds of people in the world I Migration PM East M West a Pre Modern move from West to East By 1500 Jews are being driven out of Western countries i More developed to less developed areas ii Towards frontier and porter locations b This is because the Islamic world is losing control to the Christian powers medieval split Islam later expands c Modern shift westward i Basic factor was a desire and need for opportunity not simply persecution ii With the population explosion there is competition which is driving Jews to a new area Sephardim Jews of Islamic land and Iberian peninsula II a Expelled from Spain n 1492 so the earliest immigrations begin here BUT The people who stayed in Spain are not necessarily bad Jews they could be tied up in familial property or occupational reasons So although they convert they still have commitments to Judaism These are the people known as conversos i When they get to their location they create secret relatively secret or entirely open Jewish communities Most go to richest and most productive culture centers of the world b Ties to the Ottoman Empire and Europe c Move to Italy and even Poland d Sephardic community of Amsterdam is behind the admission of Jews to England 1655 III Ashkenazis East European Jews a Pre 1648 i Moving westward b Post 1648 revolution riot in Poland that is focused on Ukrainian rebels who are fighting against their overlords essentially the security situation in Eastern Europe is declining so there is a rise in immigration Jews are allowed into Austria but NOT into Russia i ii End of the frontier iii To western Europe iv To colonial possessions USA IV End of Frontier a Map b Pale of Settlement move to Western Europe over joinging the Ottoman Empire V Patterns of Settlement a Urbanization decline of shtetl i Germany ii Poland iii Lithuania b Metropolitinization ghettos move to cities that are centers of economic opportunity not just cities but LARGE cities i Ghetto is invented in Italy s a way of admitting Jews to Venice The term gets transferred to have a negative connotation and become an immigrant neighborhood

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UMD JWST 235 - Lecture 2

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