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BIOL 1002 Exam 1 Learning Objectives Crousillac Spring 2014 Chapter 18 Systematics Understand the two part naming system and the correct way that organism names are written o Formed from the genus and species Species can they breed and produce viable offspring Genus every number of very closely related species Mostly in italics Genus is capital first letter and species is lowercase Understand the Linnaean classification system Domain Kingdom etc o Linnaeus introduced the two part naming system o Eight major taxonomic categories each category including all the categories beneath it Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species The more categories two organisms share the closer their evolutionary relationship Know the relationship between phylogeny and systematics o Phylogeny evolutionary history o Systematics is the science of reconstructing phylogeny Identify features that reveal evolutionary relationships all organisms share certain similarities just determines which characteristics are unique to that individual Understand how anatomy and molecular sequencing is used in systematics o Anatomy plays a key role in systematics homologous structures provide evidence for a common ancestor o Molecular sequencing is useful for reconstructing phylogeny Systematics examine genetic similarities between DNA nucleotide sequences similarities in actual chromosome structure also can be used to establish relationships between organisms Understand our current three domain system and which types of organisms belong in each o 1 Bacteria prokaryotic o 2 Archaea prokaryotic o 3 Eukarya eukaryotic Animals Plants Fungi Protists Be familiar with the numbers used to describe biodiversity in our ecosystem o Number of species named is about 1 5 million o 3 4ths are animals o 1 4th plants and fungi o 7 10 million species may exist o 7 000 10 000 new species identified each year Chapter 19 Prokaryotes and Viruses Understand the differences between bacteria and Archaea o Have different cell walls o Differences in the plasma membrane composition ribosomes and RNA polymerases between the two domains o Differences in the transcription and translation processes Know the features used in prokaryotic classification o Shape o Means of locomotion o Pigments o Nutrient requirements o Colony appearance o Gram staining characteristics o Nucleotide sequences o Spherical o Rod like o Corkscrew shaped All extremely small Be familiar with the 3 shapes of prokaryotes o Some prokaryotes are motile o Flagella are the primary means of locomotion in prokaryotes Found in singly or in pairs or scattered over the entire cell surface In bacteria a wheel and axle arrangement anchors the flagellum within the cell wall and plasma enabling it to rotate rapidly Thinner in archael than in bacteria Understand what biofilms and endospores are o Biofilm groups of slime secreting bacteria o Endospores thickly wrapped particles of genetic material and a few enzymes allows them to survive hibernation Resistant to extremely harsh conditions Understand the diverse metabolism characteristics of prokaryotes o Anaerobic metabolism live without oxygen o Some can switch between anaerobic and aerobic respiration Understand the process of conjugation o Conjugation allows for DNA transfer between donor and recipient Exchange sex material without mating o Sex pili connect donor to recipient cell by forming a cytoplasmic bridge Understand how prokaryotes affect humans and other eukaryotes o Prokaryotes play important roles in animal nutrition o Lead eating animals depend on digestive tract bacteria to break down cellulose in the cell walls of plants o Many human foods and produced by bacterial action o Bacteria in our intestines produce vitamins o Also known as nature s recyclers they break down waste products and the dead bodies of plants and animals into simpler molecules o Basis for continued life on earth o Can clean up pollution nearly all human substances are biodegradable by some bacterial species Be able to list several examples of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria o Clostridium tetani causes tetanus o Pathogenic bacteria can cause bubonic plague staph infection meningitis food poisoning STDs tuberculosis gonorrhea syphilis cholera strep ecoli Know what viruses viroids and prions are made of o Viruses a molecule of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat Have NO cell membranes no cytoplasm no ribosomes Can only reproduce inside a host cell Very small Variety of shapes The genetic material is single or double stranded DNA or RNA They are parasites only purpose is to make more viruses Each is specified for the host Bacteriophages can be used to treat bacterial diseases they target host bacteria and are harmless to human body cells o Viroids infectious particles with only short RNA strands NO PROTEIN COAT common cause of disease in plants Enter a host cell nucleus and direct new viroid synthesis o Prions just a protein no DNA or RNA Know which characteristics of viruses keep them from being considered living organisms o They cannot grow or reproduce on their own and thus require living cells to produce o They are too simple to constitute being a living thing Be able to list several examples of diseases caused by viruses o Cold viruses attack the respiratory tract o Rabies viruses attack nerve cells o Herpes viruses attack the mouth and or genitals o HIV attacks a specific white blood cell type o Liver cancer hepatitis cervical cancer HPV Understand the proposed model for prion replication o 1 The Prion protein is a normal part of nerve cells o 2 Misfolded versions of the normal protein are the infectious particles o 3 The misfolded proteins induce normal copies to misfold o 4 A high concentration of prions in nerve tissue causes cell damage and degeneration Chapter 20 Protists Be able to list several general characteristics of protists o Single celled mostly o Any eukaryote that is not a plant animal or fungus o Most are microscopic o Some are large aggregations or colonies of single celled individuals others are multicellular organisms o They can ingest food absorb it or perform photosynthesis If they ingest they are predators and most use extensions of the cell membrane called pseudopods to surround and engulf prey If they absorb it they are of 2 types Free living types in the soil that decompose organic dead matter Parasites that live inside the bodies of a host organism If they perform photosynthesis they are known as algae Some

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