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Chapter 12 Emotion Stress and Health Cognition Emotion Emotion response of whole organism involving o Physiological arousal o Expressive behavior o Conscious experience Historical Emotion Theories Cognition May Not Precede Emotion o More connections from amygdala to cortex than vice versa So feelings can heavily influence thinking Cognition May Not Precede Emotion o Low speedy road may not be conscious o But to know what emotion is appropriate we need to know what we re responding to Embodied Emotion Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System The Physiology of Emotions o Similar physiological reactions to variety of different emotions o Insula activated by social emotions Lust pride disgust o Different facial expressions o Positive moods more left frontal lobe activity than right Expressed Emotion Culture and Emotional Expression o Same gesture has different meanings in different cultures o Similarity in facial expressions even when blind from birth o Contextual information Effects of Facial Expressions o Don t just convey emotions they regulate it o Facial feedback effect feelings o Behavior feedback phenomenon trigger corresponding feelings facial muscle states trigger corresponding body movements and postures Basic Emotions o Cross cultural o Present from infancy Stress Health Stress Some Basic Concepts o Stress we appraise as threatening or challenging process by which we perceive and respond to stressors which o Can be beneficial activate immune system solve problems o Can be detrimental increase chance of chronic illness PTSD circulatory respiratory digestive problems o Stressors things that push our buttons Catastrophes unpredictable large scale events Significant Life Changes both happy and sad events Negative life events make people more susceptible to disease Daily Hassles minor daily annoyances Can compound and lead to health issues o The Stress Response System General Adaptation Syndrome GAS Alarm reaction phase Resistance phase ability to deal cope with stress Exhaustion phase Responses to stress Withdrawal Tend and befriend Stress and Illness o Psychophysiological Illness hypertension and some headaches endocrine processes collectively affect the immune system and health study of how physiological neural and stress related physical illness such as o Psychoneuroimmunology o Surgical wounds heal more slowly in stressed individuals o Stressed people are more vulnerable to colds Promoting Health alleviating stress using emotional cognitive or behavioral Coping with Stress o Coping mehods change stressor or way we interact with the stressor Used when we feel in control of the situation Problem focused coping attempting to alleviate stress directly Emotion focused coping avoiding or ignoring a stressor attempting to alleviate stress by Attend to emotional needs associate with stress reaction Used when we think we cannot change the situation o Factors Affecting Ability to Successfully Cope Perceived control Internal locus of control people with this feel like they have power over the situation to make it better External locus of control when you feel like you don t have control over a situation and other people control the outcome Having faith that you can get out of your rut knowing Optimism that it ll get better Social Support Reduces blood pressure and stress hormones Fosters stronger immune functioning Open heart therapy chance to confide painful feelings with people that have experienced something similar Reducing Stress o Aerobic Exercise Getting your blood pumping is better then meditating to relieve stress o Relaxation and Meditation However there are benefits to meditation Reduces chance of heart attacks o Faith Communities and Health Involvement with a religious faith community can be beneficial to your health People that regularly attend religious services are less likely to die then people that do attend religious services

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UD PSYC 256 - Chapter 12: Emotion, Stress, and Health

Course: Psyc 256-
Pages: 4
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