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JOUR 101 Charles Mitchel Last full session of classes 1 Informationists planet content providers Media practitioners are the unelected communicators of the People need information and to enjoy stories providing reliable or entertaining information keeps people coming back 2 The philosophical question Who Drives does art imitate life or does life imitate art Do messages inform us or are they responsive to what we want to see and hear Do the masses lead the media or do the media lead the masses when it comes to fashion I believe the fashion community drives the public s preference rather than the other way around Various situations create the impression that the press is special This is an illusion Journalists are citizens and have only citizens 3 Media folks are citizens has special rights rights 4 Civil Criminal and Liability As citizens media representatives are answerable to charges of a trespass harassment b fraud c failing to obey orders d illegal use of recording devices 5 One party state as long as one party to a conversation knows it s being recorded use of recording device is legal in Mississippi Other states are two party states and everyone being recorded must be told Mississippi is a one party state As long as one person knows it s being recorded it s legal You must be in the conversation If not then that s wire taping 6 The Statues Federal Freedom of Information Act FOIA If you wanted to see certain documents of conduct of public business from the government you are in your legal rights to get that information All 50 states have access laws Mississippi Public Records Act 25 61 1 et seq Mississippi Open Meetings Act 25 41 1 et seq gives info of what meetings are open to the public If the meeting is about public things it s open there are exceptions If there is a personnel matter for example 7 FOIA You can t run something if you don t know the rules covers executive federal agencies predicated on democratic principle that an informed public is citizens have a right to know how public funds are being spent a problem is that the federal government is labyrinthine a blue zillion documents are produced every day essential and 8 Humongous a 20 day 9 What s included Much information related to individuals is exempt for privacy and due to the public s interest in having people provide information much information related to military operations and national security is exempt due to the public s interest PROTECTING THE GOVERNMENT is never a justification for keeping information confidential

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Ole Miss JOUR 101 - Charles Mitchel

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