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COMM 3620 Module 3 Exam Chapter 9 communicate Uncertainty A lack of information about a conversational partner undermines your ability to Uncertainty Reduction the process of gathering information about an interaction partner that will help you communicate Self Disclosure telling another person about your characteristics experiences feelings attitudes or beliefs Reduce uncertainty in the formative stages of relationship development by exchanging information Norm of Reciprocity the tendency to match our own disclosures to those made by our partner Address the same topic that was raised by the other person Tend to match the length or expansiveness of the other person s message Match qualities of their messages Predicated Outcome Value the rewards a person expects to get from a future relationship with a new acquaintance When predicted outcome is high people tend to talk more ask more questions and use nonverbal behaviors that communicate liking and encourage disclosures Social Penetration Theory a model that focuses on how communication allows partners to probe each other s self concepts Our personalities are organized into layers within segments representing different domains or aspects of our lives Depth the extent to which shared information is personal or private Breadth the variety of topics life segments that we share with a partner Relational Uncertainty the lack of knowledge people have about their relationships Includes three kinds of doubts Self uncertainty involves your questions about your own involvement in a relationship Partner uncertainty refers to doubts that you have about your partner s commitment to the relationship Relationship uncertainty includes your doubts about the very nature of the relationship Secret Tests covert actions designed to reveal information about a partner s involvement in a relationship flirt with a third party to see how another might act or avoid calling to see how long it takes the other to initiate contact Relationship Talk communicating with a partner about your relationship can be risky because might reveal that one partner wants a relationship more than the other Interdependence a state that exists when relationship partners rely on each other to accomplish their goals Relational Turbulence Model a perspective highlighting the difficulties that emerge when people try to establish interdependence with each other Social Exchange the voluntary transfer of personal resources from one partner to another need to find a way to exchange resources in ways that both partners see as profitable and fair The Rule of Distributive Justice a guideline dictating that each partner s rewards should be proportional to his or her costs Relationship Dissolution the process by which previously developed relationships become less close Investment Model a theory about commitment to relationships that predicts that you are likely to stay in a relationship when you receive more rewards than costs you lack alternatives to the relationship and you have invested a lot of time energy or resources into the relationship Commitment Satisfaction Availability of Attractive Alternatives Resources Invested in Relationship Rewards Costs Face Threats experiences that can make either partner feel constrained or disliked Grave Dressing using communication to finalize the dissolution of a relationship the creation of stories about the relationship and its demise that help the partners make sense of what happened Obsessive Relational Intrusion the repeated and unwanted pursuit that constitutes an invasion of privacy being pestered for a date receiving unwanted gifts property damage verbal threats etc Stalking malicious and repeated harassment of another person that threatens his or her safety Friends with Benefits a friendship in which partners engage in sexual activity but do not define the relationship as romantic BOOK ONLY What are obsessive relational intrusion and stalking What are the behaviors that one could identify as obsessive relational intrusion and stalking Obsessive Relational Intrusion is the repeated and unwanted pursuit that constitutes an invasion of privacy These obsessive behaviors can comprise stalking which is malicious and repeated harassment of another person that threatens his or her safety Mildly intrusive behaviors being pestered for a date receiving unwanted gifts and being the target of seemingly endless phone calls to property damage verbal threats or physical assaults How might one end a relationship gracefully How might you manage face threats when ending a relationship If you think your partner wants out of your relationship you may want to respect those wishes show that you still value him or her and yet retain your pride If you re the one initiating a break up you might want to worry about forcing your partner into a bad situation making your partner feel inadequate appearing insensitive or later regretting that you ended the relationship When you are the one initiating relationship dissolution you can manage face threats by using indirect strategies for withdrawing from the relationship Limited self disclosure avoiding a partner and sensitive topics or cycling through periods of withdrawal and reconciliation LECTURE ONLY What is the definition of a relationship What is the difference between obligatory and Relationship a connection between two individuals that results in mutual interaction with the intent of achieving shared meaning voluntary relationships Interdependent Unique Irreplaceable Obligatory Involuntary Voluntary According to Maslow s hierarchy affiliation needs occur after what type of needs What types of needs require affiliation needs to be met first Affiliation needs occur after physiological needs and safety and security Love Belonging Physiological Needs breathing food water shelter clothing sleep Safety and Security health employment property family and social stability Love and Belonging friendship family intimacy sense of connection Affiliation needs need to be met before self esteem and self actualization can take place Self esteem confidence achievement respect of others the need to be a unique individual Self actualization morality creativity spontaneity acceptance experience purpose meaning and inner potential What determines with whom we form relationships In general what things do we assume about attractive people To what extent do these occur in reality Attraction Proximity Similarity Homophily Purpose Goals

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