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Topic list for Test 3 Note Underlined topics have been modified or added Chapter 23 1 The groups that make up the protostomes Ecdysozoans Lophotrochozoans a Ecdysozoans b Lophotrochozoans i Out layer of body is shed periodically ii Anthropoda Nematoda anthropods and round worms i Special feeding structure lophophore ii Platyhelminthes annelida Mollusca flat worms segmented worms 2 Body cavities mollusks a No coelom b Pseudocoelom mesoderm c True coelom no body cavity accoelommates have body cavities that are not fully lined with tissue from has a fully lined cavity from mesoderm coelommates 3 Identify the phylum by figure diagrams 4 This animal belongs to which group pictures 5 6 7 Protostomes and Deuterostomes Identify phyla by their members Identify the phylum by characteristics Chapter 24 8 Chordata characteristics a Nerve cord b Notochord lies above digestive tract on upper dorsal portion of body unlike other animals becomes thick at one end brain stiff but flexible rod running the length of the body between the digestive tract and nerve cord provides support usually only present in early development til skeleton takes over development d Tail in some slits form gills in others only present in early embryonic posterior extension that continues past the anus c Gill slits 9 Tunicates sea squirts and Lancelets characteristics similarities and differences a Tunicates form a larger group of marine invertebrate chordates small i Sea squirts Immobile filter feeding vase shaped 1 Much of its body is taken up by its pharynx 2 Water enters sea squirt s body thru incurrent siphon passes into pharyngeal basket at its top moves thru gill slits exits thru excurrent siphone 3 Can send a jet of seawater into the face of anyone who disturbs it 4 Adults immobile their babies swim some swim thru out their whole life ex salps b Lancelets small fish like retain all 4 chordate features as adults i Spend most of its time as adults with half its body buried in the sand cilia in pharynx draws seawater into lancelets mouth water passes thru pharyngeal gill slits film of mucus filter tiny food particles from water captured food transported to lancelet s digestive tracts 10 The clades of the Chordata a Tunicates b Lancelets c Craniates include all chordates that have a skull that encloses the brain i Earliest known craniates resembled lancelets but had brains skulls eyes also lacked jaws ii Today craniates include hagfishes and the vertebrates 11 Hagfish and lamprey characteristics similarities and differences a Hagfish external fertilization gills 2 chamber hearts ectothermic i Lack jaws have tongue like things with teeth ii Body stiffened by notochord but skeleton is a few small cartilaginous iii Not considered vertebrates b c they lack skeletal elements around nerve elements cord iv Live near ocean floor burrow in mood feed on worms dead fish v Secrete slime b Lamprey external fertilization gills 2 chamber heart ectothermic i Lack jaws has large round sucker around its mouth ii Single nostril on top of its head iii Nerve cord surround by cartilage true vertebrate iv Live in freshwater salt water v Some are parasitic 12 Diversity of fish cartilaginous and bony amphibians and reptiles characteristics a Cartilaginous fish Internal fertilization male deposits sperm into female s reproductive tract i Have jaws ii Whole skeleton made of cartilage iii iv Some are large v Some swim to circulate water some pump water across gills vi Sharks some filter feed most are predators vii Skates rays bottom dwellers flat bodies eat invertebrates i Ray finned fishes ii Freshwater and oceans iii Webbed fins supported by a bone skeleton iv v Swim bladder evolved from lungs lets them float anywhere vi Diverse eels flounders bottom feeders predators reef dwellers deep sea Interlocking scales provide protection and flexibility b Bony fish dwellers mola infantfish Important food source for humans vii c Coelocanths lungfishes i Lungfish have gills and lungs ii Live in stagnant water lungs allow them to get oxygen iii Burrow into mud iv Both called lobefins b c they both have fleshy fins that have bones d Tetrapods amphibians reptiles and mammals evolved fins that could be used as surrounded by muscle legs in emergencies i Amphibians limbs show varying degrees of adaption to movement on land 3 chambered heart lungs replace gills in adult forms 1 Lungs are poorly developed so they must be supplemented by skin skin must remain moist 2 Breeding also requires water sperm gotta swim egg gotta stay moist 3 Go through metamorphosis ii Reptiles lizards gators crocs turtles snakes birds 1 Evolved tough scaly skin resists water loss protection 2 Evolved Internal fertilization male put sperm in female 3 Evolved a shelled amniotic egg can be buried far from water 4 More efficient lungs 5 3 or 4 chambered hearts separate oxygenated deoxygenated blood 6 Birds feathers are actually specialized scales a Organs nshit lightweight to help them fly b Endothermic c 4 chambered heart so diff types of blood won t mix d respiration w air sacs 13 Diversity of fish cartilaginous and bony amphibians and reptiles members 14 Mammals characteristics groups members legs evolved for running rather than crawling a Fur protects and insulates b 4 chambered heart c d milk producing mammary gland e also has sweat scent and oil producing glands f highly developed nervous system g highly developed brain curiosity ability longer periods of parental care after birth h i monotremes egg laying mammals platypus 2 species of spiny anteaters 1 Australia New Guinea 2 Ant eaters eat insects and worms 3 Platypuses forage for food in water bodies adapted to water streamlined shape webbed feet broad tail fleshy bill 4 No nipples milk oozes thru fur ii Marsupials embryos develop in uterus for a short time wallaby wombat Tasmanian devil 1 Post birth development usually takes place in a protective pouch iii Placental mammals more complex placentas than marsupials completion of embryonic development before birth allows stuff to be exchanged between mom and baby 1 Rodents bats most diverse 2 Rodents rats mice squirrels porcupines beavers woodchucks 15 Tetrapods Chapter 31 16 Homeostasis what is it what does it do a How an organism maintains its internal environment within a narrow range of conditions for optimal cell function despite external environment b The body actively adjusts to ongoing internal external changes to maintain constant conditions dynamic constancy c Regulates

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