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Chapter 9 Book Team a work group that must rely on collaboration Teamwork work done with an understanding and commitment to group goals on the part of all team members 11 actions leaders can take using their own resources o Defining the teams mission o Establishing trust o Developing a norm of teamwork o Emphasizing pride in being outstanding o Serving as a model of teamwork including power sharing o Using a consensus leadership style o Establishing urgency o Encourage competition with another group o Encouraging the use of jargon o Minimizing micromanagement o Practicing e leadership for virtual teams Six actions generally requiring organization structure o Designing physical structure that facilitate communication o Emphasizing group recognition o Initiating ritual and ceremony o Practicing open book management o Selecting team oriented members o Using technology o Participants acquire leadership and teamwork by confronting physical challenges and exceeding self imposed limitations Outdoor training Videos Blue Angels o You always want to be the best you can be o Overachievers o Cooperation is necessary o Motivation is key o Have to be able to depend on your team Teamwork and Collaboration by Harvard business Patrick Lencioni o 5 dysfunctions Absence of trust Fear of conflict o Stumbling block command and control works very well but implementing the patience to allow the group to find the answer works better Lack of commitment Unwillingness to hold each other accountable Inattention to results o How to make backstabbing and office politics good Build trust Call it out o How can a new leader not be intimidated Be very comfortable with your own vulnerabilities Followers are then much more likely to trust Belbin Team roles o Plant o Resource investigator o coordinator o Shaper o Monitor evaluator o Team worker o Implementer o Finisher o Specialist Leadership tips video o Do your job very well o Deliver on commitments o Inspirer

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LSU HRE 3723 - Chapter 9

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