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1 ANP 370 STUDY GUIDE EXAM 3 GUEST LECTURES Fayana Richards Race as a modern concept came about 200 years ago during Renaissance period Determining race by phenotypic properties Eugenics Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics developed by Francis Galton as a method of refining the human race in order to overcome social dysfunction Weeding out biological inferiority eugenicists conflated with biological fitness and race and class eugenically superior upper class and educated biological inferior poor mentally unstable african americans Racial Empathy white participants shown video of needles and erasers touching another subject on black and white skin reactions were measured through skin conductance tests presence of sweat represented activation of pain matrix in brain conclusion whites reacted much less to pain inflicted on black subjects than whites Common belief African Americans feel less pain Racial empathy Since they are believed to experience less pain they are subjected to more pain Matrix of Domination argues race gender and class as an interlocking systems of oppression operates on three levels individual family community neighborhood institutional education government Intersectionality theory too many aborted black children are endangered species 2 Tazin Karim Concept of medicine Medicine is embedded in and understood a larger cultural framework Research methods field notes Field notes Levels of analysis individual social and cultural individual doctor office library dorm rooms and parties Social Cultural drug experience value system identity formation professor student doctor patient peer to peer medicalization biomedicalization college culture Breeding ground for adderall Stratgeic and ethical codes of use how to avoid side effects how to avoid dependency how much to take and when to take it how to avoid labels socially Media analysis Adam Levine commercial Agency power you have to influence the world around you Adderall use and medicalization social problems to biomedical problems Biomedicalization enhance actual identities and experiences to ideal identities and experience Be the best version of yourself health quantifiable no end to health Ethical issues Is it safe Does it work Is it cheating Should I do it 3 Kristin Elwell Gender inequalities and ARV use Dropout rate for men and women 20 Dropout rate for pregnant moms 40 Gendering of fidelity more acceptable for husbands to have mistresses but not for women to have an affair outside of the marriage Women would make very small amounts of money and because of gendered roles the women gave the husband the money she made Husband has economic power Women would make very small amounts of money and because of gendered roles the women gave the husband the money she made Husband has economic power Primary Themes to stop taking meds Fear of disclosing status to husband community stigma health workers attitudes and transportation Stigmatization of HIV positive women Women perceive a lack of spousal support fearing disclosure to spouse will result in divorce Perceived as woman s fault so people assumed she went out and had an affair while she probably didn t Husbands would sometimes be violent Dr Andrea Freidus Doctors without borders practice humanitarianism seen as neutral but will report human rights abuse will help anyone who needs help regardless of political beliefs The social construction of Malawians by western volunteers Humanitarianism vs human rights Human right health is a human right social justice equal opportunity progressive political making claims duties and responsibilities reconfigure power relation requires systemic change Redistributing power and resources respect of dignity of human have a life requires structures that ensure opportunity and liberty 4 Humanitarian responding to crisis or emergency conservative charity focused good to do but not bad if you do not do something focus on alleviating suffering life versus having a life neutrality apolitical isn t everything political impartiality respecting autonomy short term goals no interest in fixing structural violence demonstrates the strength of those offering aid and the weakness of dependent Doctors without borders neutral but report human rights abuses Ida Susser s essay Women and AIDS in the Second Millennium 16th international AIDS conference purpose efforts since the 1980s but women concerns still not sufficiently addressed essay based on 2006 XVI international aids meeting rapidly rising rates of infection and young girls and married women epidemic relationship to subordination of women in the workplace and educational institution major concern of every advocates the grotesque vulnerability of women has not change Policies that address HIV prevention and gender inequalities Women treated as objects women advocacy group emphasize needs to precipitate social change and develop strategies that come from women AIDS prevention and treatment how are women treated women treated as objects women s advocacy groups emphasized needs to precipitate social change and develop strategies that come from women PEPFAR President s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief commitment of 15 billion over 5 years from the US under Bush to fight HIV AIDS goal provide antiretroviral drug access to 2 million people prevent 7 million new infections and support care for 10 million people it is largest ever health initiative by one country to address a disease has save millions of lives reducing death PEPFAR and criticism 5 emphasizes abstinence promotes faith based organization through the ABC approach A Abstinence B Be faithful C Condom as last resort thus condom use has been discouraged of condom access restricted Breastfeeding and HIV US and Canada HIV positive women required to forgo all other known health advantages of breastfeeding to formula in order to avoid transmission of the virus but formula not easily available for people in the global south thus breastfeeding can actually prolong or save the life the child new york times Changing gender expectations mothers HIV women must be seen as worthy of treatment even if they are not Majors focus feminist groups and AIDS coalitions merge child survival issues and breastfeeding Treatment should not focus only on the survival of children crucial difference between north and south infant feeding and HIV positive women The

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