Midterm Review Intro to Organization Behavior Google video OB o Peoples behavior and actions in the workplace o The way that work is organized and managed How that effects their motivations productivity creativity Ultimately how that effects the success of the organization o People skills Managing organizational process Leading people Why study OB o Understanding behavior is the key to success Successful management Successful leadership Successful organizations OB model o Independent variables Individual level Group level Perception and cognition Demographics and ability Personality and value Motivation Career development Group dynamics Group decision making Communication Conflict and negotiation Leadership o Dependent variables Organizational level Organizational structure Power and politics Organizational culture Organizational outcomes Productivity Creativity and innovation Financial performance Job satisfaction What is an organization o A consciously organized social unit o Composed of two or more people o Functions on a relatively continuous basis o Works to achieve a common goal or set of goals How do organizations happen o Social organization is the basis for human adaptation to our environments o The process of organizing creates organizations o We study organizations at different levels of analysis Highest level organization is society itself Smallest level organization is the group Smallest unit of analysis if the individual and where they fit in the group Why do we need organizations o Need for efficiency In the face of challenges and opportunities o The big picture Organization is fundamental to human adaptation Specialization is key to modern economic enterprise Complex organizations require management to operate Social and economic trends driving todays organizations o Increasing competition o Globalization o Workforce diversity o Modern organizations are characterized by Complexity large scale operations volume production Fast paced uncertain environments virtual information flows o Need for flexibility and adaptation Learning organizations are adaptable under changing conditions Employees who are quick and perceptive learners Key competency Cultural context o Three levels of culture underlying OB pyramid Artifacts and behavior point What we see o What a newcomer visitor or consultant would notice o Dress behavior organization charts physical layout degree of formality logos mission statements Norms and values middle What they say o What we would be told is the reason why things are they way they are and should be o Company philosophy norms and justifications Underlying assumptions base What they may not even realize o Unconscious taken for granted beliefs about the organization and its work purpose about people rewards and punishments Becoming a better manager evidence based management o A way of thinking The attitude of wisdom knowing what you know and knowing what you don t know Being committed to fact based and evidence based action o Running experiments and learning from data o Knowing what the theory and evidence is and using it in formulation decisions and policies Evidence based management o Employs empirical evidence to support decision making while expanding the range of acceptable data and sources of information which constitutes that evidence Included surveys and interviews company documents and data Necessary but insufficient especially in complex decision Science based management situations o Reliable implementation of strategies and plans entails the rigorous application of theoretic explanations Strategies and plans which are sufficiently rigorous and robust to support high level science based enterprise are grounded in theoretical frameworks Basic concepts and explanations backed by empirical The evidence based approach is part of science based o Outcomes of evidence are implemented in plans research evidence management and programs o Internalized way of thinking mindset which bases knowledge on observation and logic o Rejects prejudice and superstition o Recognizes the agency and dignity of others and is aware and tolerant of others perspectives o Is open to new knowledge and has ways of testing that knowledge with sound methods of reasoning o Possesses a body of knowledge skills and capabilities derived from education and experience which can be applied in various Critical thinking o Key to evidence based management Basic theoretical understandings Basic social science concepts groups o Theoretic frameworks from the core of the disciplines representing a set of basic and agreed upon understandings paradigms Economics humans are fundamentally rational in pursuit of their individual self interest Mediated by behavioral economics Political science human organizations naturally stratify and develop hierarchies of power and leadership Mediated by social networks Sociology human beings adapt and survive through social organization Psychology all people see the world through their own eyes o Human adaptation entails social and moral codes which boil down to two basic conflicts Me vs us encouraging individuals to put the best interest of the group ahead of themselves Us vs them putting the identifying group before competing o Values culturally specific ideal representations of what people believe is good important moral ethical right vs wrong o Norms behavioral do s and don ts deriving from values and customs What our kind of people are supposed to do o Society a recognized social organization consisting of a group of people ho are identified with each other and an established set of behaviors norms values attitudes which tie them together o Status a position in a society or social system social structure Statuses may be ascribed Getting them at birth Statuses may be achieved Gaining status through work or education o Role a set of behavioral norms associated with various statuses o Attitudes individuals emotional identification with various norms customs statuses and role expectations Ties directly to motivation Management s role o Managing Planning and budgeting Organizing and staffing Controlling directing and problem solving o Leading Setting direction for the organization Communicating to align people with that direction Motivating people to action o People skills are critical for both aspects of a mangers role Applying theories o A theory is a set of concepts and relations between them that help to explain some phenomenon observed event action
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