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Mason Greene COMM212 Spring 2013 Report Speech Outline Event On Thursday Feb 21 2013 a car bomb targeting the headquarters of Syria s ruling party went off in central Damascus killing 53 people I Introduction A Attention Getter I will use a meaningful statistic Last month the U N released information updating the estimated number killed in Syria to be approximately 70 000 people What does this number mean B Relevancy to Audience The Syrian Civil War has been a hot button issue since its genesis in 2011 and direct U S involvement in the matter could be just around the corner C Thesis Statement A deadly car bombing in central Damascus the capital of Syria kills 53 and injures 200 civilians children people Such an event puts increased pressure of the international world to act intervene especially the United States D Preview of Main Points Background information on Syrian Civil War Who is responsible for attack American involvement E Transition To begin I would like to provide some background information on the war Mason Greene COMM212 Spring 2013 Report Speech Outline II Main Point 1 Present background information on the Syrian Civil War When did the war start How did the war begin A Transition Now back to the event III Main Point 2 There has been no claim of responsibility for the attack role of radical rebel groups IV Main Point 3 Discussing American involvement in the war IV Conclusion A Review of main points Why is the war going on Current state of the conflict Status of American involvement B Restatement of thesis The deadly car bombing attack on the headquarters of Syria s ruling party puts increased pressure on the U S to get involved C Attention keeper I will ask a question Do you think American should play a greater role in the Syrian Conflict

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UD COMM 212 - Report Speech Outline

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