JWST 234 Reading Outline Chapter Under the Crescent p 116 127 Theme Facing new policies under various rulers the Jewish culture and religion changed under Muslim power I Overview a Rise of Islam i Founded by Muhammad revelations told in the Koran Jews are dispersed over Europe Africa Asia Persia and India b i Shared identity in their commitment to the land of Israel biblical canon Mishnah and Talmud new genres of literature 1 Responsa letters from rabbis in response to questions 2 Codes rabbis organize and clarify laws for daily use 3 Digests and commentaries interpretations II Muhammad and the Jews a Constitution of Medina Jews may be part of the Muslim political community Islam recognized the basic right of Jews to live in Muslim society but that b they must accept their basic subordination to Muslim rule III The Legal Basis of Jewish Life Under Islam a Pact of Umar defined theoretical and legal foundation of Jewish life b Non Muslim parties known as dhimmi pay yearly tribute known as jizya c Arabic adopted as vernacular Judeo Arabic develops d Lived in countryside and cities of note i Baghdad Talmudic academies ii Tiberias Karaites and Genoic academy iii Cairo Genizah and capital of Fatimid caliphate IV The Umayyad Caliphate and the Expansion of Muslim Rule a Umayyad Caliphate political rivalry between Christians and Muslims with Jews as a third party stuck in the conflict i Islam provided refuge from hostility and discrimination V Abbassid Rule and the Rise and Fall of Genoic Authority a Abbassid most widely recognized caliphate academy in Pumbedita b Relationship conflicts between the Genoim and authorities i Karaites dissenting minority against the Genoim VI Glimpses of Jewish History in Muslim Palestine a Predominantly Christian however a large Jewish community in the north b First Crusade 1095 Jewish suffering and fall of learning institutions VII The Community of Cairo Genizah a Fatimid Empire rivals to the Abbassids i Community thrives despite crusades center for intellectuals ii Cairo Genizah glimpse into lives of Jews under Muslim rule especially that of women teachers healers textiles
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