JWST 234 Lecture Outline Lecture Jews Under Islamic Rule Cultural Developments Theme Despite the power struggles between Genoim and Muslim rulers other struggles developed with different divisions of the Jewish people and culture under Islamic authority I Authority of the Genoim a Heads of rabbinic academies worked with in the courts and developed a system for collecting funds i Exilarchs are have an unclear role but DO matter b Deal with legal as well as non legal issues c Law vs practice and the idea of halakhot II New Ideas Literature and Philosophy a The Cairo Genizah mostly 5th to 7th century gives huge insight into Jewish life under Muslim rule during the Middle Ages especially the roles of women as healers teachers and textile workers b Growth of educators intellectuals and philosophers i Maimonides questioned interpretation of scripture ii Sa adya Gaon innovator focused on translation believed scripture is true how to remove doubt 1 kalam rational theology iii Judah ha Levi and Ibn Gabirol c Poetry sciences and Talmudic commentary III Divisions a Karaites rejected an existing religious and dominant point of view i Coherent movement with traditions and principles later looks back to Anan ben David as its founder ii Self conscious analyzing what Jews might debate over Hebrew grammar and poetry laws of Kosher and Sabbath mournful pietism b Iraqis i Like Eretz Yisrael large community two synagogues and two different sets of practices ii Babylonian custom and tradition dominates triennial to annual cycle c People of Eretz Yisrael i Cairo Genizah from a Palestinian synagogue community in the land of Israel and retain identity as Palestinian but predominantly study the Babylonian Talmud
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