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JWST 234 Lecture Outline Lecture Initiation into Torah Theme The ritual of initiation into Torah evolved from the acculturation and native practices of the Ashkenazic Jews along with influences from their intellectual background I History a Failures of an outward acculturation model inward acculturation model is we can explore the rise of other religious movements b Anthropological features i Broader whole picture of the society not just elites ii Patterns and rituals iii Rich or thick description of the rituals Impact of the Crusades and cultural traditions c II Initiation into Torah the ritual a Three sources i Ancient Rabbinic literature 1 When how where children s education began ii Magical and mnemonic practices 1 Eating eggs and cakes 2 Reading alphabet in pairs and backwards iii Cultural production 1 Confirmation and Christian norms 2 Putting the pieces together from outside factors III Impact of Acculturation a Definition i Inward the transformation or creation of new reforms and practices that are the product of interactions with the larger culture without becoming a part of it ii Outward being more like the dominant society b The ritual is BOTH the development of native practices and acculturation i How does living side by side enter into the lives of the people living in the nearby and neighboring community ii Typically a Jewish custom passed on by a Jewish father to his Jewish children to keep with his Jewish customs

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UMD JWST 234 - Lecture: Initiation into Torah

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