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JWST 234 Reading Outline Reading The Centrality of the Talmud Michael S Berger Theme The Talmud served as the central text of authority in late antiquity Jewish life I Origins of the Talmud Jews felt connected through customs and ethnic practices a b Hellenization leads to assimilation and Roman political control i After revolts Patriarchs nasis and rabbis grow in authority II Emergence of Rabbinic Texts a Focus on relationship between teacher and student b Oral Torah i halakhah laws governing how Rabbis believe Jews should fulfill their covenant with God ii aggadah non legal rabbinic works c Development of the Mishnah organized legal opinions d Babylonian vs Palestinian Talmud III Rise of the Babylonian Talmud a Consequences of Muslim conquest i 90 of world Jewry came under a single political entity ii Protected minority status as dhimmi iii Growing urban Jewish community wealth and prosperity b Abbasids and Karaite minorities i Live side by side and engage in social and economic exchanges IV The Babylonian Talmud in Europe a Ashkenazic communities strong connection to law and learning i Rashi leading commentator in Talmud consolidated works ii Refinements of Talmudic dialectics no dominant discussion V The Growth of Jewish Law a Customs i Differences in marriage of Jews Christians and Muslims ii Triennial vs annual reading of the Torah VI The Codification of Jewish Law a Maimonides s Mishneh Torah mentioned only his views and left out others b Printing press and the spread of Talmud more people able to learn c Late 18th century Shulchan Arukh is the major source of religious practice VII The Modern Period a Jewish society defined by the communities around them i Essentially excluded from larger politics and social groups b Jews focus on different aspects of religion i Orthodoxy remained committed to halakhah ii Reforming and ideological commitments VIII Conclusion a Variety of internal and external factors shaped the influence of rabbinic texts

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UMD JWST 234 - Lecture notes

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