Introduction to Clinical Psychology Study Guide Exam One I Introduction a Definition of Clinical Psychology effects is the business of clinical psychology b Role of Clinical Psychologist i Identify and diagnose mental health problems i Understanding treating and preventing mental health problems and their associated 1 Using psych tests clinical interviews observation of behavior ii Treat mental health problems and behavior and psychological factors that are related to disease 1 Cognitive behavioral therapy IPT martial and family therapy iii Create and deliver programs to prevent mental health problems iv Research 1 To improve methods of assessment and diagnosis 2 To develop and evaluate effectiveness of new methods treatment and prevention c Education and Training i Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psych 1 At least 4 years of coursework with supervised clinical training 2 1 year full time clinical internship ii PhD vs PsyD 1 PhD 2 Psy D a Emphasize research over practice b Smaller classes lower acceptance rates c Typically in university departments d Offer more funding to students a Emphasize practice over research b Larger classes great acceptance c Free standing or professional schools d Less funding for students research 2 The Practioner Scholar Model Vail a Emphasizes Practice over research b Yields Psy D degree not Ph D c Higher acceptance rates and larger classes d Proliferated in recent years 3 The Clinical Scientist Model iii Three current models of training 1 The Scientist Practioner Model Boulder a Balancing and emphasizes both practice and science i Graduates should be able to competently practice and conduct a Emerged in 1990s as a reaction against the Vail model b Richard McFall s manifesto for a science of clinical psychology sparked this movement c Emphasize research d Subset of Ph D institutions who strongly endorse empiricism and science e Tend to train researchers vs practitioners iv Internships 1 Pre doctoral 2 Postdoctoral v Licensure a 12 month of supervised clinical experience in applied setting competitive a Need to become licensed in most states 1 Necessary to present oneself as psychologist and practice independently 2 Examination for Professional Practice Psychology EPPP 3 State specific exam on laws and ethics 4 CEUs continued education units required to renew license d Other Mental Health Professions i Counseling Psychologists 1 Significant Overlap 2 Traditionally work with normal moderately mal adjusted individuals 3 Educational and occupational counseling 4 University counseling centers 5 Psychotherapy brief treatment more humanistic ii Psychiatrists 1 Physician 2 Prescribe medicine 3 Treat diagnose physical illness 4 Psychotherapy iii Psychiatric Social Workers 1 Greater focus on social forces and environmental factors that contribute presenting problems 2 More recently psychotherapy 3 Training is different need Master s degree 4 Managed insurance companies care driving changes iv School Psychologists 1 Work in schools to promote growth of children 2 Assessment and recommendations including placement like special education v Rehabilitation Psychologists 1 Rehab of people who are physically or cognitively disabled 2 Aid in adjustment to disabilities and programs to rehabilitate vi Health Psychologists 1 Practice and research focuses on promotion and maintenance of physical health 2 Prevention and treatment of physical illness II History of Clinical Psychology a Evolution of the field i Emergence around turn of 20th century ii Preceded by numerous important historical events that set the stage for clinical psychology Important contributions in 1700 and1800s iii b Early Approaches to Mental Health i Physicians Hippocrates psychological problems caused by imbalances of fluids in the body ii 1500 1800s medical treatment in psychiatric hospitals and asylums restraint bleeding iii Led to individuals committed to social welfare iv Responsibility for care of individuals with mental health problems assumed by Clergy religious groups 1 Thought problems were result of forces of evil 2 Treatment exorcism torture death at stake c Early Pioneers i William Tuke 1732 1822 1 Appalled by deplorable conditions in asylums where mentally ill lived 2 Devoted his life to improving treatment based on the Quaker model if you treat people with compassion they will get better 3 Raised funds to open York Retreat model of humane treatment ii Phillippe Pinel 1745 1826 France 1 Advocated for humane and compassionate treatment of the mentally ill 2 Also introduced ideas of a case history treatment notes and illness classification iii Eli Todd 1762 1832 Connecticut 1 Few hospitals for mentally ill at the time burden fell on family members 2 Using Pinel s efforts opened humane treatment centers in the US 3 Opened the Retreat in 1842 Connecticut a Allowed patients to have input in their treatment iv Dorothea Dix 1802 1887 Boston 1 Observed many mentally ill inmates 2 Traveled the US to persuade leaders to build facilities for human treatment of mentally ill 3 Resulted in over 30 state institutions in US 4 HUGE change in mental health history d Founder of Clinical Psychology i Lightner Witner 1867 1956 1 PhD Germany 2 1896 Opened first psychological clinic in US at Penn 3 Treated children with learning difficulties 4 1907 proposed new profession and coined term Clinical psychology 5 First training program in clinical psych in 1904 III Evolution of Assessment a History of Assessment i Early research examined individual differences Sir Francis Galton James McKeen Catell ii Alfred Binet 1904 1 Deviations form norms to identify French school children in need of remedial services 2 First formal test of intelligence 3 Where intervention started iii In WWI 1917 1 Psychologists asked to develop screening tools for military Army alpha verbal skills and Army Beta nonverbal skills Year 1905 1921 1939 1939 1943 1947 1952 Significant Event Alfred Binet s intelligence test Rorschach s Psychodiagnostics is published Term Projective Techniques coined Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale Published MMPI published Halstead neuropsychological battery DSM 1 published b Assessment of Intelligence Psychiatrists and MDs were offering psychoanalysis in early 1900s Drastic change with behaviorism brain and thoughts were not studied mostly animal research Took huge leaps here i Binet s test Intended for children ii David Wechsler published Wechsler Bellevue designed for adults 1 Wechsler later created tests for
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