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ML 4202 Chapter 19 Different Steps for Organizing a Report 1 Title Page Dominated by the name of the project Name of the client organization Name of the research firm Date of the report Should not exceed 1 page and should list the major sections of the report 2 Table of Contents Page numbers 3 Executive Summary Must succinctly cover the key findings and any recommendations that flow from those findings 4 Background Sets the context for the research and addresses such things as the overall goal of the research the decisions that need to be made the company s strength and weaknesses regarding the issue in question and other similar information 5 Methodology 6 Findings 7 Appendices Discuss how the research was done and why it was done that way This is typically the longest section of the report and should summarize results for almost every question on the survey This final section of the report provides a number of supporting items such as a copy of the questionnaire a set of cross tabulations for every question on the survey client can look up specific issues not addressed in the findings and other supporting material such as detailed technical information on special research procedures and techniques Interpret the Findings Executive summary Portion of a research report that explains why the research was done what was found what those findings mean and what action if any management should undertake Conclusions Generalizations that answer the questions raised by the research objectives or otherwise satisfy the objectives Recommendations Conclusions applied to marketing strategies or tactics that focus on a client s achievement of differential advantage Differential advantage A true benefit offered by a potential marketing mix that the target market cannot obtain anywhere else Ex American Airlines having exclusive U S carrier landing rights at a foreign airport An effective presentation is tailored to the audience It takes into account the receivers frame of reference attitudes prejudices educational background and time constraints

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OSU BUSML 4202 - Chapter 19

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