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All of the above total species present how many types of species and how LOPE April 8 Clicker questions Every organism has these basic characteristics besides The ability to move correct answer What was the first living thing on earth Bacteria Biodiversity can be measured by they differ Variation DVD notes Desert The most basic requirement of natural selection is Camel can drink 200 liters on one visit to a watering hole Winter is the time for breeding The Kobe is a desert and the Himalayas and they empty their moisture on the mountain slopes making it very harsh conditions African biggest source of sand and dust in the whole world and is as big as the United States the world for 5 000 years cooled The wind causes the dunes to continually change built some of the biggest dunes in Can be 300 meters high and the main body of the dunes may not have shifted Kangaroos must take shelter bc radiation is so intense by mid day Kangaroos Lick salvia onto forearms and when the saliva evaporates their blood is The roots of catci suck up the water and allow it to expand can store up to 5 tons of water and that s enough to see it through many months of a drought Lizards are desert specialists and come in extraordinary numbers Deserts contain the highest density of lizards in the world in south Africa Called flat lizards and like to eat black fly that rise from the river And since fly never land the lizards have to leap for their food Prides for lions are much smaller in the desert than in the savannah and their food is always on the move which makes is difficult for lions to hunt Lions must travel great distances to find enough to live on Lions wont attempt to cross the sand dunes must wait to the antelope looking animals to leave the safety of the dunes and then they will get them Elephants have to dig up the roots to get the most moisture and nutrients elephants also have to travel long and far for food and water Locusts eat vegetation for weeks until it runs out and when groups merge they form a swarm and will consume any edible thing that lies in their path once the food is gone the locus wings will be replaced by the sound of the desert wind

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