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Foundations of Biology 2 Spring 2012 Exam 1 Select the single best answer for each question Turn in your Accuscan answer card keep your exam book Answers will be posted to courseweb within 24 hrs 1 Which method is utilized by eukaryotes to control their gene expression that is not used in 1 bacteria a control of chromatin remodeling b control of RNA splicing c transcriptional control d control of both RNA splicing and chromatin remodeling e control of chromatin remodeling RNA splicing and transcription 2 In which section of a paper do authors address potential weaknesses in their experimental 2 approach or provide alternate explanations for the data trends they observed a materials and Methods b Discussion c Results d Introduction 3 Codons are three base sequences that specify the addition of a single amino acid How do 3 eukaryotic codons and prokaryotic codons compare a The translation of codons is mediated by tRNAs in eukaryotes but translation requires no intermediate molecules such as tRNAs in prokaryotes b Prokaryotic codons usually contain different bases than those of eukaryotes c Codons are a nearly universal language among all organisms d Prokaryotic codons usually specify different amino acids than those of eukaryotes 4 The primary difference between an enhancer and a promoter proximal element is that 4 a enhancers are DNA sequences promoter proximal elements are proteins that bind proximal to the promoter b enhancers enhance transcription promoter proximal elements inhibit transcription c enhancers are transcription factors promoter proximal elements are DNA sequences d enhancers are part of the promoter promoter proximal elements are regulatory sequences distinct from the promoter e enhancers are at considerable distances from the promoter and can be moved or inverted and still function promoter proximal elements are close to the promoter and their position and orientation must be maintained A 1 A white B Blue C pink D yellow Figure 14 2 5 Identify the lagging strand during duplication of DNA starting from a double helix in Figure 5 14 2 a a b b c c d d a 9 9 b 10 10 c 10 9 d 8 9 e 9 10 6 Imagine a sequence of processed mRNA that is 30 nucleotides in length beginning with codon AUG ending with codon UAA and containing no repeating amino acids How many amino acids would comprise the translational gene product and how many codons would be used to complete translation respectively 6 7 Pick the answer that best describes the contents of the introduction and abstract 7 a The introduction provides a review of what is known at present the abstract justi ed the need for this research to continue b The introduction provides background the abstract explains the evidence c The introduction provides background and the speci c focus of this paper the abstract summarizes the entire paper d The introduction summarizes evidence the abstract describes the speci c problem 8 When translating secretory or membrane proteins ribosomes are directed to the ER membrane 8 by bound ribosomes a a speci c characteristic of the ribosome itself which distinguishes free ribosomes from b a signal sequence of RNA that precedes the start codon of the message c a chemical signal given off by the ER d moving through a specialized channel of the nucleus e a signal recognition particle that brings ribosomes to a receptor protein in the ER membrane A 2 A white B Blue C pink D yellow 9 In the paper by Bidou et al 2010 several bene ts of frameshift during translation are listed 9 Which of the following is not one of these bene ts a The frameshift sequences are highly conserved and make a cell more resistant to viral infection b Frameshift can in uence the stability of mRNA c Frameshift allow for multiple proteins to be synthesized from a single mrNA d Frameshift can be another target of cell regulation processes 10 Which of the following people should not be listed as an author on a primary research paper 10 a The undergraduate student who carried out analysis of the data and who also wrote b The colleague who reviewed your paper and gave feedback on the manuscript before you substantial portions of the paper submitted it to the journal c The colleague who developed a computer algorithm that let you track animal movements in the eld and then process that data in an ef cient manner making a large portion of your project possible d The graduate student who developed this project as part of his or her thesis and supervised the undergraduate students sub project 11 If the original mRNA sequence is NNX XXY YYZ where the three letter sets indicate a codon Operons do not require RNA processing but introns and exons do and this processing is only possible in prokaryotes which of the following illustrates a 1 frameshift 11 12 To repair a thymine dimmer by nucleotide excision repair in which order do the necessary 12 a NN XXX XYY YZZ Z b NNY YYZ ZZ c N NXX XYY YZZ Z d NN XXX YYY ZZZ enzymes act a DNA ligase nuclease helicase b exonuclease DNA polymerase III RNA primase c helicase DNA polymerase I DNA ligase d endonuclease DNA polymerase I DNA ligase e DNA polymerase I DNA polymerase III DNA ligase 13 If a scientist wanted to prevent a regulatory protein from changing gene expression he must 13 prevent physical contact between the protein and a DNA b ribosomes c mRNA d ribozymes A 3 A white B Blue C pink D yellow 14 Although the expression of most genes is tightly regulated some genes are always expressed at roughly constant rates i e constitutively Which of the following genes would you predict to be constitutively expressed 14 a genes involved in the transport of the sugar maltose b genes involved in the biosynthesis of the amino acid tryptophan c genes involved in the degradation of arabinose a sugar d genes that code for ribosomal RNAs e genes involved in the degradation of tryptophan 15 Of the following which is the most current description of a gene 15 a a discrete unit of hereditary information that consists of a sequence of amino acids b a DNA sequence that is expressed to form a functional product either RNA or polypeptide c a DNA RNA sequence combination that results in an enzymatic product d a unit of heredity that causes formation of a phenotypic characteristic e a DNA subunit that codes for a single complete protein 16 Dr Newman mentioned in class that there are some rare examples of eukaryotes with operons Even so there are no examples of introns and exons in prokaryotes The reasons for this are 16 a We

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