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Salamanders Salamanders Vertebrate Zoology Lab Vertebrate Zoology Lab Spring 2010 Spring 2010 Order Apoda Order Apoda Family Caecilidae Family Caecilidae Dermophis mexicanus Dermophis mexicanus Mexican burrowing caecilian Mexican burrowing caecilian Without legs Without legs Snake like Snake like Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Amphiumidae Family Amphiumidae Amphiuma means Amphiuma means Two toed amphiuma Two toed amphiuma Small t rex arms and Small t rex arms and legs legs Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Cryptobranchidae Family Cryptobranchidae Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Hellbender Hellbender Neck with an opening Neck with an opening on each side on each side Skin on sides of body Skin on sides of body wrinkled wrinkled Head flattened Head flattened Very small eyes Very small eyes Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Proteidae Family Proteidae Necturus maculosus Necturus maculosus Common mudpuppy Common mudpuppy Adults with external Adults with external gillsgills Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Ambystomatidae Family Ambystomatidae Ambystoma maculatum Ambystoma maculatum Spotted salamander Spotted salamander Spots Spots Dorsal and lateral Dorsal and lateral Light colored Light colored Roundish Roundish Has costal grooves Has costal grooves Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Ambystomatidae Family Ambystomatidae Ambystoma tigrinum Ambystoma tigrinum Tiger salamander Tiger salamander Spots blotches bars Spots blotches bars Dorsal and lateral Dorsal and lateral Mixture pattern Mixture pattern Has costal grooves Has costal grooves Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Plethodontidae Family Plethodontidae Desmognathus fuscus Desmognathus fuscus Northern dusky salamander Northern dusky salamander Light stripe from eye to Light stripe from eye to angle of jaw angle of jaw Hard to see Hard to see Larger than other Larger than other Plethodontidae species Plethodontidae species Has nasal grooves Has nasal grooves Usually one color Usually one color Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Plethodontidae Family Plethodontidae Eurycea bislineata Eurycea bislineata Northern two lined salamander Northern two lined salamander Tail keeled laterally Tail keeled laterally compressed compressed Paper thin Paper thin Has nasal grooves Has nasal grooves Two lines on back Two lines on back Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Plethodontidae Family Plethodontidae Plethodon cinereus Plethodon cinereus Northern red backed salamander Northern red backed salamander Tail not keeled laterally Tail not keeled laterally compressed compressed Round cylindrical Round cylindrical Not paper thin Not paper thin Has nasal grooves Has nasal grooves Reddish brown stripe on Reddish brown stripe on backback Order Caudata Order Caudata Family Salamandridae Family Salamandridae Notophthalmus viridescens Notophthalmus viridescens Eastern newt Eastern newt No coastal grooves No coastal grooves Tail keeled laterally Tail keeled laterally compressed compressed Paper thin Paper thin

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NU BIOL 2318 - Salamanders

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