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4 18 13 12 on Major Concept Sheet Relationships Liking and Loving Type of love Passionate an intense highly emotionally sexually charged set of behaviors Companionate the way you feel about your best friend is how the rest of the world views love 13 on Major Concept Sheet Mating Preferences measurable differences in mating preferences between genders In the modern world where women have gained their own wealth and social status they are no longer interested in men s power and wealth and now physical attractiveness has become the most important factor in mating preferences for both genders Evolutionary theory Men physical attractiveness Women wealth and power Beyond evolution Changing preferences Role of culture 14 on Major concept sheet Social Organization Group o Regular interaction o Emotional connection o Interdependence Norms Roles o Enforcement through sanctions o Expected behavior based on position within the group 15 on Major Concept Sheet Conformity Informational social influence Change in behavior in order to follow a group s norms Normative social influence o Solomon Asch study 75 of the individuals gave the wrong answer just to go along with the group The larger the group the more likely you are to conform Dissenter If just one person before you gives the right answer conformity goes all the way down from 80 to less than 10 and now we are more likely to express our own beliefs 16 on Major Concept Sheet Obedience The Stanley Milgram Shock Studies Obedience compliance with an order from an authority figure o I was just following orders What he did Results o He recruited 40 successful white upper middle class men o I m observing the effect of pain on learning o One of you will be the teacher one of you will be the learner and the learner will experience a little bit of pain o Expected 2 administer maximum shock o Observed 65 2 out of 3 individuals shocked the learner all the way to the end Funny thing is it was all an act and the person that killed someone didn t know it the person that was being shocked was an actor Understanding the results Authority Role of dissenter if one person stands up and says I don t know man if we should be doing this then the likelihood of the Teacher continuing goes down Physical presence 17 on Major Concept Sheet Group Psychology Group polarization o Example Juries Groupthink o The tendency for group members to take extreme positions in the same direction as the groups initial majority opinion o A tendency for a group of people to come to a conclusion in ways that ignore logic and reason and almost always results in someone getting hurt Example Close knit groups of friends will do very stupid stuff together Deindividuation o The loss of sense of self when you become a member of a group o Example Mob behavior riots after sport events the number one trigger for mob behavior Social loafing Freeloading Social facilitation Power of an audience

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