CHAPTER 13 MEIOSIS AND SEXUAL LIFE CYCLES The Basis of Heredity 1 Explain in general terms how traits are inherited from parents to offspring 2 Distinguish between asexual and sexual reproduction The Role of Meiosis in Sexual Life Cycles 3 Distinguish between the following pairs of terms somatic cell and gamete a b autosome and sex chromosome 4 Explain how haploid and diploid cells differ from each other State which cells in the human body are diploid and which are haploid 5 Explain why fertilization and meiosis must alternate in all sexual life cycles 6 Distinguish between the three life cycle patterns characteristic of eukaryotes and name one organism that displays each pattern 7 List the phases of meiosis I and meiosis II and describe the events characteristic 8 Recognize the phases of meiosis from diagrams or micrographs 9 Describe the process of synapsis during prophase I and explain how genetic of each phase recombination occurs 10 Describe three events that occur during Meiosis I but not during Mitosis Origins of Genetic Variation 11 Explain how independent assortment crossing over and random fertilization contribute to genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms 12 Explain why heritable variation was crucial to Darwin s theory of evolution Learning Objectives for Campbell Reece Biology 8th Edition Pearson Education Inc 1 of 1
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