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Stephanie Anne Kubota Professor Mendillo AS100 A5 January 31 2014 Homework 1 1 Chapter 1 page 23 problem 46 a Time distance around Earth s equator speed of the car b Time distance between the Sun and Earth speed of the car c Time distance between the Sun and Pluto speed of the car 4 0075km 100km hr 400 75 hours 150 million km 100km hr 1 5 106 hours 5 9 billion km 100km hr 5 9 107 hours d Time distance between the Sun and Alpha Centauri speed of the car 4 4 light years 100km hr 9 5 trillion km 1 light year 4 2 1011 hours 2 Chapter 1 page 23 problem 47 a Speed distance between the Sun and Alpha Centauri travel time 4 4 light years 100 years 4 4 years speed of light 100 years 4 4 10 2 speed of light 4 4 10 2 1 0792585 109 km hr 4 7 107 km hr b R 4 4 10 2 1 0792585 109 km hr 50 000km hr 900 times faster 3 Chapter 20 page 623 problem 53 If H0 33km s Mly Then H0 33km s 3 105 km s 1 million years So 1 H0 3 105 km s 106 years 33km s 9 109 years 9 billion years old 4 Chapter 20 page 623 problem 58 Why do you think Einstein and others assumed that the universe had no beginning Do you think that a universe with a definite beginning in time has any important philosophical implications Einstein and so many others assumed that the universe had no beginning because it has never been proven otherwise it would have been a radical theory that has either never been thought of before or went against popular belief Although there is now strong supporting evidence of the Big Bang there will never be a guarantee Since the sky the view of the universe from Earth has never really changed over time it would have been easy to assume that it has and will always remain constant Moreover if Einstein proposed that there was in fact a beginning then he would also have to accept that the universe is either expanding or contracting thus also allowing the notion that the world as we know it has an imminent end much like that of the fire and ice references by Robert Frost Philosophically the knowledge about existence can no longer be infinite If there was a beginning and a forthcoming end to the Universe then the knowledge humans can obtain is limited to that time frame Moreover there is a question as to whether or not life time space or even matter existed before the beginning or after the end of the Universe

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