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1 History of Psychology August 28 2013 PSY 100 I What is psychology I relatively young discipline II scientific discipline III II Psyche II mind II Logos II knowledge study II Philosophy and Modern Psychology II Socrates III know thyself IV Hypothesis testing III asking questions III IV Plato II Student of Socrates V ARISTOTLE II determine beliefs and knowledge where they come from V rely on thought and reason observe to aquire true knowledge III emphasis of experimentation and observation as pathway to knowledge VI deductive and inductive reasoning 2 VI DESCARTES IV cognito ergo sum I think therefore im VII Dualism IV mind influences the body V body influences the mind III Early Psychologists II Gustav Theodor Fechner V influenced by Decartes VIII Psychophysics VII Hermann von Helmholtz VI theory of perception of color IV First Psychology Lab III Wilhelm Wundt VII first to call psychology a science separated from others IX university of Leipzing VI stablished in 1879 X interested in studying VII VIII consciousness person s perspective V Psychology in the USA IV G Stanley Hall VIII student of Wundt XI stablished the American Psychology Association IX first president at John Hopkins III 1st stablished lab in usa I John Hopkins University 3 VI Schools of Psychology Foundations of Psychological Science I Structuralism I Founder I Edward Turchemer I student of Wundt IV Principle I attenots to define STRUCTURE of mind I INTROSPECTIVE II Functionalism II Founder I William James I trained in introspection II Principle II function of behaviors III study of the function of mental processes III Behaviorism II Founder II John B Watson V Principle II only study behavior III opposses in trospective VI B F Skinner VII Ivan Pavlov III operant conditioning IV closing conditioning 4 IV the whole is greater than the some of its parts IV Gestalt Psychology III Founder II Max Weimer V Psychoanalysis IV Founder II Sigmund Freud VIII Principles V V behavior by unconscious motive typically aggressive or sexual VI childhood experiences play a role VII Psychologists Who are they and what do they do III Psychology Research Degrees and Areas II get knowledge for the fun of it IV find solutions for specific problems II Research II Basic VII Applied IX Degrees VI Ph D VII Psy D IV Ed D VIII MD IX masters X Specialty Areas 5 V Experimental X Clinical XI Counseling XII School XV Personality XIII XIV XVI XVII XIX XX XXI Educational Developmental Social Environmental Health Consumer Forensic XXII Sport XXIII Neuropsychologists XVIII Industrial Organizational

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