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1 What is personality a section of psychology devoted to the investigation of personality i ii iii stable psychological characteristics and behavioral patterns account for individuality consistent over time 2 First Studies of Personality a William Sheldon b 3 types of personalities ectomorph nerds endomorph fat lazy people i ii iii mesomorph buff 3 Psychoanalytical Perspective a Freud b unconscious motives guide our behavior and shape our personality c 1881 1885 developed psychoanalysis 4 Structure of Personality a Conscious things we are aware of b PreConscious just below conscious c Unconscious unacceptable urges impulses ideas 5 The ID 6 Ego a I want it now b unconscious c pleasure principles d devil on your shoulder a b tries to balance ID with realities of life reality principles practical and acceptable in satisfying basic needs i c social skills 7 Superego internal moral guardian on conscious a b strives for perfection c parental value system d angel on your shoulder 8 Psychosexyal Development Stages a Oral b Anal c Phalic d Latency e Genital 9 Oral a biting sucking mouthing b between birth 18 months c weaning change from milk to solid foods d oral behaviors i ii iii smoking nail biting smoking 10 Anal a b 18 months 3 years toilet training c d anal retentive e anal expulsive 11 Phalic retention and release of bodily waste a masturbation b 3 6 years identify gender c Oedipus complex d same sex attraction e penis envy 12 latency a 6 puberty b c develop superego learn right from wrong moral and values 13 Genital return of sexual interest a b puberty adulthood 14 Modern Personality Theory a Gordon Allport i ii iii i ii i ii iii iv Cardinal Traits define personality Central Traits wide influence on behavior Secondary Traits too specific only applicable to few situations b Raymond Cattell c Hans Eysenck surface traits observable through behavior source traits measurable traits 1 we can measure 16 of these Introverted Neurotic tense anxious moody shy pessimistic reserved Extroverted Neurotic aggressive optimistic active friendly people oriented Introverted Stable passive controlled thoughtful low on neuroticism Extroverted Stable relaxed calmed even tempered talkative carefree love on neuroticism 15 Big 5 Personality a Predominant Theory i ii Openness curious imaginative creative Conscientiousness 1 up reliable ethical responsible 2 down disorganized or impulsive iii Extraversion 1 up outgoing friendly social 2 down like to hang alone don t like big crowds iv agreeableness 1 up get well with others maintain peace 2 down don t care if people get irritated v Neuroticism 1 up worrying anxiety 2 down calm easy going 16 Trait Perspective a some believe traits change over time b better adaptable as we age c may fall victim to circular reasoning 17 Walter Mischel a Situation and Person Variables b Situation i c Person i 2 Variables environmental factors rewards vs punishment 1 Expectancies what are you expecting your behavior to be like 2 Subjective Values the worth you place on desired outcome 1 competencies have skills knowledge to complete desired ii 3 added outcome 2 Encoding Strategies how you perceive event 3 self regulatory systems and plans can you make a plan to get desired outcome and reward yourself for achieving the outcome 18 Assessing Personality a Phrenology b Handwriting c Self Report Measures d Projective Test 19 Phrenology a bumps on head 20 Handwriting 21 Self Report Measures a Objective Test a analyzing personality based on handwriting i ii Scored Objectively based on research i 567 T F questions b Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory MMPI ii constructed to aid in diagnosis of mental disorders c Myers Briggs Personality Carl Jung i 22 Self Report inexpensive to administer easy to score a Positive i ii iii more willing to disclose personal info iv b Negatives i ii iii people may lie social desirability some test can identify biases can predict wide range of behavior 23 Projective Test a Ambiguous or vague test material i believed to reveal unconscious needs drives and motives b Rorschach Inkblots 24 Rorschach a Herman klex rorschach b made ink stains on papers c scoring is complex content form i ii i ii d interpretation have validity responses can predict success in therapy distinguish psychological disorders e detect underlying needs for dependency 25 Thematic Apperception Test a Henry Murray b stories people tell based on a picture aspects of personality c evaluation i stimulus pull frownf

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