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Nadelyn Pichardo Perkins Ling 100 800 5 7 13 Animal Communication Charles Hockett transmission of signal from one animal to another smell touch movement posture facial gesture visual and sound signals mode of communication how messages are transmitted semanticity pregmanticity interchangeability send and receive messages cultural transmission part of communication learned from interaction with others some learn others are born w it arbitrariness symbol not related to its meaning discreteness being able to make complex messages out of smaller parts displacement ability to communicate about things that aren t there only humans productivity produce n and understand communication Rene Descartes complex but not as complex as humans and only concern food territory and prey bees do a dance birds sing monkeys bark sound face expression Herbert Terrance use grammar to teach chimps used meaning instead of grammar Language Processing neurolinguistics study of biological processes that are required for language psycholinguistics how is acquire produced and stored organized lateralization left reasoning and math right creativity left hemisphere language right ear right hemisphere non language left ear

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OSWAGO LIN 100 - Animal Communication

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