Nadelyn Pichardo Perkins Ling 100 800 3 14 13 Typology Comparing patterns across languages 1 Subjects S required argument Verbs V Predicate Objects O complement Everything else Subject Verb Object English 41 of the world s languages Subject Object Verb Korean 47 5 Verb Subject Object Old Irish 8 Verb Object Subject 2 1 Object Subject Verb 1 South American language Object Verb Subject 1 VP V Adj P 2 Phrase structure rules Trees Roots Sentence S NP VP Noun phrase NP det N Verb phrase VP V NP VP V VP VP NP PP NP AdjP N NP N PP AdjP Adj PP P NP Examples 1 The det cat N ate V the det cheese N 2 I N Prn like V to watch N butterflies N drown V OOPS 3 The det three old calico adj cats N ate V the det cheese N under prep the det stairs N 3 Chomsky hierarchy some information is more important than other information binary branching no crossing branches Flat syntax embedded syntax all information in a sentence is as important as all other information in the sentence semantic and pragmatic and sociolinguistic considerations determine word order 4 Emmon Bach Role and Reference Grammar RRG semantic requirements determine what s included in a sentence order determined by language specific pragmatics socio 5 Van Valin and LaPolla Dyirbal The cat ate the cheese nucleus Predicate and required arguments Core Everything else in the sentence what the predicate allows for Complementizer Phrase CP NP VP i e the sentence I Prn N Like V the det gray Adj cat N I N Prn act V like comp the det gray adj cat N acts V 1 2 3 Sent the man an email NP NP NP TP S1 S Examples Can NP VP N NP We do a question Det N you do the same for the next ones Why are you being mean to your fellow students I m panicking Can I get some food please The lizard ran up the wall I want to go home The white cat walked down the stairs into the snowy weather
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