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Test 1 notes 02 11 2014 Ambivalent Sexism Inventory Androgyny Goal To explore ambivalent sexism in a personal way that allows students to compare their own level of sexism with the level of other people measures the level of sexism one person has compared to another Includes hostile and benevolent sexism The test measures characteristics such as prejudice benevolent sexism and hostile sexism Critique self report measure concept helps to explain gender based prejudice by splitting it into two subgroups hostile sexism and benevolent sexism having both traditionally male and female characteristics distinct physical traits of both males and females as well as to describe many sexual and gender minorities that do not place well into our culture s heteronormative binary gender expectations Greek myth Zeus left the belly button on people as a reminder that he would split them in half if angered Navajo belief two spirit people Western multiple backgrounds Androgynous individuals can possess fully developed sexual organs of both sexes An individual can be considered androgynous in a way not related to biology if he or she chooses to dress or wear makeup that represents both male and female preferences Gender is determined in the brain based on visual clues including hair makeup facial features and even field of view difference was found in the putamen a brain structure in the basal high masculine and feminine traits simultaneously gender neutral is very adaptable and they act differently depending on the Therefore ones gender identity is a huge part of androgyny as is the understanding of the accompanying gender roles ganglia appearance situation Gender fluid according to a study there are higher expectations for males or androgynous individuals in terms of academic efforts compared to those who are undifferentiated or female gender role transcendence provides the notion that individual competence should be conceptualized on a personal basis rather than on the basis of masculinity femininity or androgyny Benevolent Sexism Carol Gilligan represents evaluations of gender that may appear subjectively positive but are actually damaging to people and gender equity The workplace is the most common place for benevolent sexism Effects women the most Benevolent sexism implies that women are weak sensitive and can be reduced by providing information about its harmful need to be protected consequences The first step requires recognizing the problem raising awareness among women seems particularly important Research suggests benevolent sexism can be reduced by attacking more acceptable target hostile sexism more broadly damaging to gender equality than hostile sexism is Carol Gilligan claimed that these relationships are fundamental to moral reasoning and studying them is the best way to understand human choices ethical relationships and moral developments Feminist Listening guide Gilligan states that boys take on a justice centered approach to morals while girls take a relational approach She outlines a three stage model of moral development selfish stage belief in conventional morality and post conventional women feel a responsibility to minimize unnecessary troubles while men feel accountable for respecting the rights of others and allowing them to pursue self satisfaction Gilligan believes that the subject object relations also carry the possibility of objectification or the ability to treat others as objects while feeling no connection with them Carol Gilligan is known as the founder of difference feminism which is the idea movement that despite the equivalent moral status of the genders as persons there are innate differences between the genders that aren t necessarily equal In Gilligan s own words psychology feminism are crucially interlinked Cordelia Fine Discrimination Delusions of gender how brain functions Gender differences scientifically A form of prejudicial treatment of a person or thing based on the group class or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit Age discrimination Racial ethnic discrimination Institutional Racial discrimination by the government religions and educational organizations Institutional racism creates barriers in regards to quality education healthcare or other rights Economic Economic racism is the discrimination in the areas of job availability wages and the prices of services Studies show that minorities make less money for the same job as their caucasian equivalents In an interview situation they are also less likely to receive a job offer over a caucasian candidate Symbolic A belief system that has underlying prejudice against black people in the United States These beliefs include ideas such as blacks are inferior to whites Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person s sex or gender Sexual Orientation Discrimination refers to the sex of those to whom one is sexually and romantically attracted the fact of being heterosexual homosexual or bisexual Effect Size any statistic that quantifies the degree to which study results diverge from expectation there are four levels of interpreting effect size insignificant small medium and large The larger the effect size the more that the results diverge from expectation Standardized measures of effect have been scaled in terms of the variability of the sample or population from which the measure was taken Unstandardized measures like simple effect size are expressed in the original units of analysis The measures of the degree of association between an effect such as a main effect or interaction and a dependent variable are the measures of the effect size in ANOVA this can be bought of as a correlation Expectancy Effects Explicit Memory information memory Gender Roles results that occur when a researcher or observer subtly communicates to participants the kind of behavior he or she expects to find thereby creating that expected reaction Explicit memory refers to the conscious effort to store and retrieve Episodic memory involves personal experiences Semantic memory involves known facts Encoding consolidation and retrieval are the three phases of socially constructed ideas created by cultural perceptions of how one should be characterized based on male or female Changes in work force and house responsibilities Women are underrepresented in sports Women are underrepresented in politics but the number of them identifications are increasing the men in unwed couples are still

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OSU PSYCH 4543 - Test 1

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