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1 Arch 114 Reading Summaries LECTURE 1 ZUMTHOR PETER A Way of Looking at Things influence design Memories and parts of images are architectural experiences that The use of materials in architecture is important because the core of all architectural work is construction Parts and details determine the quality of a whole architectural Architects integrate buildings naturally into the form and history of the site via landscape design Buildings should have designed voids that convey spatial work experience Architecture should give poetry or meaning a form o i e Historical meaning feelings Design process constant interplay of feeling and reason o Academic knowledge and architectural history are important to know but if overused can hinder our design process o Focus on answering the questions of our time Answers are limited LECTURE 2 KAHN LOUIS The Room the Street and the Human Agreement Compares architecture to music and other art forms sculpture painting and film Architecture is the mother of all arts A city is measured by the character of its institutions The street is one of its first institutions New spaces will come only from a new sense of human agreements Rooms must suggest their use without a name To an architect a school of architecture would be the most honored commission LECTURE 3 UNWIN SIMON Architecture as Identification of Place Two fundamental questions what is architecture and why do we do it architecture The identification of place rather than production core of User is necessary to architecture as the designer Definition of a place o Accommodates a person object activity mood spirit o Mediate between life and surroundings 2 LECTURE 4 SCRUTON ROGER Most Architecture Should Be Modest On Architecture and Aesthetic Judgment People agree on aesthetic values that become embodied in accepted patterns types Repeatability is good Old forms that had pleased and harmonized in the past can be relied upon not to spoil the site or surroundings Buildings today are built without consideration for the street without a coherent fac ade and without intelligible relation to its neighbors American suburb death of architecture o Expanse of privatized space no common home and no collective o Architects those who have fallen prey to the illusion of their dwelling own genius LECTURE 5 ZAERA POLO ALEJANDRO Breeding Architecture unknown to emerge Thinking of architecture as a species could allow something previously Typology is inadequate for dealing with the increasingly accelerated pace of social cultural and political change brought on by globalization KWINTER SANFORD Four Arguments for the Elimination of Architecture Architecture is fast becoming part of the knowledge industry Now more than ever the reshaping of the knowledge system is inseparable from the transformation of the material environment i e buildings LECTURE 6 NO READING LECTURE 7 MCDONOUGH WILLIAM AND MICHAEL BRAUNGART Eco Effectiveness Cradle to Cradle o Eco effectiveness work on the right things instead of making things less bad o Eco efficiency use tools to save energy do more with less Mutual benefit Natural organisms and systems can support one another in multiple ways to produce growth that contribute positively to an entire ecosystem o Strip mall on the other hand is a place where growth is gained at the expense of a decline in the overall quality of life 3 Natural systems are good models for architecture and human endeavors LECTURE 8 MOCKBEE SAMUEL AND WENDY FOX Building Dreams An Interview with Samuel Mockbee Architects are becoming house pets to the rich Reform education o Created the Rural Studio to give students hands on experience with the context of their sites People culture social structure and environment Sustainable architecture involves a combination of values o Aesthetic environmental social political moral and environmental DEAN ANDREA O Rural Studio at Work Interviews with Students a Teacher and a Client Students describe how being involved in the construction of their projects created a new awareness of the building process and its relation to design and architecture Architecture should have social content and contribute to society o Interaction and connection with the client is important LECTURE 9 MCDONOUGH WILLIAM Design Ecology Ethics and the Making of Things Consequences of design are the result of human intention thereby establishing the designer in a position of leadership Ecology good design Ecology The things we make must not only rise from the ground but o Everything that is received from earth should be given back return to it without harm LECTURE 10 NO READING LECTURE 11 MAU BRUCE JENNIFER LEONARD AND INSTITUTE WITHOUT BOUNDARIES Now That We Can Do Anything What Will We Do Design is evolving from its relative insignificance within business to become the biggest project of all Design success global success o i e Apple new products etc We all citizens have the responsibility to address the new set of questions that go along with that power o Explore design economies patterns that reveal complexity and interconnectivity o Reject notion of client designer no longer about one designer o Distributed problem solving and team based multi disciplinary one client one place practice o We need to think discuss and set up critical facilities 4

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USC ARCH 114 - Reading Summaries

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