Macro is looking at bigger factors such as organization of institutions Exam Notes Chapters 1 4 50 Multiple Choice Questions No Short Answer 60 Textbook 40 Lecture Chapter 1 Sociological Imagination d Macro Vs Micro o Unit Groups Micro is looking at individual interactions o Unit Individual Three Perspectives Textbook page 23 Functionalism o Durkheim Suicide Conflict Theory o Marx Symbolic Interaction Sociology as a Science Theory Construction Imperial Tests Sociological Methods o Mead Rise of the self argument o Dependent Variable vs Independent Variable o Research Methods Experiment Observation Survey Archival Studies Chapter 2 Culture Society Group of people living in the same territory and sharing the same culture Components of Culture Norms Values Symbols and Language o Language is the most important symbol in society o Communication is through meaning in symbols Cultural Universal and Diversity Cultural Universals There are specific ways of doing cultural universals across different cultures o Food and Shelter o Subculture o Counter culture Why does culture matter How culture relates to power distribution in society Chapter 3 Importance of Socialization Individuals and Society Harlows experiment Mead s Theory of Socialization Brings out the Me from the self Without the self there can be no me Agents of Socialization Family Peers School Mass Media Chapter 4 What is a Social Group Definition Ties o Expressive Emotionally invested Marriage between two people o Instrumental Not emotionally invested Two co workers o Primary Ties Mostly Expressive ties o Secondary Ties Mostly Instrumental ties Groups Group Dynamics o In Group The group you identify with o Out Group The group that you do not identify with o Group Boundaries Facilitation People tend to perform better when others are around and they are performing in front of others o Running a race If you are running in front of others you are more likely to run faster since people are watching Loafing People in a group tend to slack off because they think that there are plenty of people in the group to pick up their slack o Example The students in an experiment were required to pull on a rope and their effort was measured The students in the group tended to put in less effort than the students that were working alone Groupthink o Social Dilemma Conformity o Ash Experiment answer o Miligram Study o Struggle between what would benefit yourself and what would benefit the group you are a part of Example Tragedy of the Commons Theory People conform to what others think when given the obvious Electrical Shock to a learner when given instructions from an authority figure
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