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SI Cell Bio Spring 2014 Student generated questions 1 Why can t ES cells form an individual a They haven t been implanted b They are pluripotent c They are totipotent d They are undifferentiated 2 What are the three properties of stem cells a High telomerase activity resistance to hayflick limit haploid b Differentiated diploid immortal c Undifferentiated immortal ability to give rise to specialized cells d Resisting cell death evading growth suppressors metastasis 3 Which germ layer does nervous tissue arise from a Endoderm b Ectoderm c Mesoderm d Pachyderm 4 What is gene regulation a Switching genes on and off b Mitosis c Undifferentiated cell division d Movement of translated proteins within the cell 5 How can you identify ES cells a Measure telomerase activity b Look at surface markers c See if they form teratomas when injected into other organisms d More than one of the above

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KSU BSCI 30140 - Cell Bio

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