Rococo 1715 1780 From French rocaille shell shaped curvilinear Because of its soft pastel colors and curvilinear forms often seen as the most feminine style Marks the European aristocracy s turn to the pursuit of pleasure hedonism Paris Hotel de Soubise begun 1730s Aristocratic townhouse Germain Boffrand Salon de la Princesse Hotel de Soubise Paris 1737 40 Birth of interior design as a major field The Amalienburg Nymphenburg Park Munich Germany 1720s French Rococo style spreads around Europe Borromini is an enormous influence on Rococo architecture Francois de Cuvillies Hall of Mirrors Amalienburg Munich 1720s Rococo very sexual love is a very important theme Erotically charged female nudes in classical styles Francois Boucher Girl Reclining Jean Honore Fragonard The Swing 1766 Almost as soon as the Rococo style develops in architecture another style emerges to reject it The Palladian Revival Richard Boyle Lord Burlington and William Kent Chiswick House Conveys moral decency and responsibility Chiswick House Grand Salon Palladian Revival is found in the New World Thomas Jefferson Monticello Charlottesville United States 1770 1806 In the colonies Palladian Revival is known as the Georgian Style architecture They didn t have access to stone so they used brick wood A number of forces emerge to dismantle the absolute hold on power possessed by the aristocracy and with that dismantling the rococo styles falls out of favor The first major force was the rise of Enlightenment philosophers questioning everything including the status quo why should the aristocrats have the right to rule over the majority middle and lower classes Denis Diderot philosopher and moralizing social critic of the 18th century France detested the decadence of the aristocratic elite especially the art of Boucher Diderot s Encyclopedia begun in 1751 an early attempt to catalogue all the available info on the sciences arts and crafts edited by Diderot for the next 20 years in numerous volumes Initially banned by the French government for its criticisms of religion and government but illegal copies were widely available Also banned by the Catholic Church a few years later The Enlightenment Spurred by the notion of progress that humankind could better itself by questioning the status quo and looking for better alternatives in science in government in ethics etc Characterized by a faith in empirical evidence and a distrust of superstition Antoine Lavoisier and his wife Marie Anne discoverers of oxygen Joseph Wright of Derby An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump 1768 Artistic visualization of the scientific age Sir Isaac Newton greatest physicist of the 18th century Joseph Wright of Derby A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery 1763 65 Logical predictable and eminently based on reason Dramatized by Caravaggest light dark The Great 18th Century Enlightenment Philosophers Voltaire Jean Jacques Rousseau Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson Noble Savage born innocent but society can teach people to do evil Historicism an Enlightenment era interest in the exact and measurable aspects of Antiquity From James Stuart Nicholas Revett s The Antiquities of Athens first published in London in 1762 James Stuart Doric portico Hagley Park Worcerstershire England 1758 thessoin Neoclassicism 1750 1850 By the 1750s Rococo culture is seen as decadent and critics and theorists are calling for a renewal of the arts through an examination of classical art Chief among these influential critics Johann Joachim Winckelmann The first modern art historian wrote Reflections on the Imitation of Greek Works in Painting and Sculpture and History of Ancient Art in which he presented a fresh and persuasive account of the art of classical antiquity Winckelmann is the first modern individual to recognize that the Greeks invented classicism and the romans adopted it from them Maison Carree Nimes France Pierre Vignon La Madeleine 1807 1842 Paris Washington D C Neoclassicism becomes equivalent of democratic values Pompeii and Herculaneum modern excavations begin ca 1740 Robert Adam Etruscan Room Osterley House Middlesex inspired by Pompeii Jacques Louis David The premier painter of the Neoclassical period Four attempts to win the Prix de Rome before succeeding in 1774 at age 26 Once he saw classical art in Rome he said he felt as if he had been operated on a cataract David s Oath of the Horatii was exhibited at the Academy Salon of 1785 grande machine a large painting that draws attention to itself due to both its size and its audacity in subject matter Romans vs Albans Horatii vs Curatii Contrast men are showing will over emotions and women are showing emotions commissioned by Louis XIV s government an allegory of loyalty to the government led to the French revolution 1789 The French Revolution
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