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Chapter 5 Identifying a Good Measurement Measuring Variables Conceptualize defining different abstract words such as happiness depression attraction etc into a precise conceptual definition o Conceptual variable researcher s definition of the variable in question at an Operationalize taking the conceptual definition and making it so it can be measured and abstract level manipulated as a variable in a study o Operational variable represents a researcher s specific decision about how to measure or manipulate the conceptual variable Construct validity a measure of how well a variable was measured or manipulated in a study Three types of operationalization or measures 1 Self report measure measures a variable by recording peoples answers to verbal questions about themselves in a questionnaire or interview o Sometimes it is more accurate to have a self report measured filled out by someone who observes behavior versus someone who engages in the behavior 2 Observational measure measures a variable by recording observable behaviors or physical traces of behaviors o Number of smiles o Number of smiley faces sent in text messages physical traces 3 Psychological measures measures a variable by recording biological data such as brain activity hormone levels or heart rate o Some people believe physiological measures are best but think about potential confounds Operational definitions can be 1 Categorical categories gender species grade o Sometimes called nominal assigning the number 1 to males and 2 to females This is not really measurement it is merely labeling for purposes of differentiating groups 2 Quantitative coded with meaningful numbers height weight temperature a Ordinal scale applies when the numerals of a quantitative variable represents a rank order first place in a race The distance between the numbers may or may not reflect equal intervals b The first place team could be WAY out in front or barely winning Interval scale applies to the numerals of a quantitative variable meets two conditions 1 represents equal intervals distances between levels and 2 There is no true zero a score of zero does not mean nothing Examples IQ test temperature in Celsius most questionnaire scales c Ratio scale applies when the numerals of a quantitative variable have equal intervals and when the value of zero truly means nothing Weight income height Reliability of Measurement how consistent a measure is is your measure consistent over time Three types of reliability 1 Test retest reliability the researcher gets consistent results every time he or she uses the measure Can be relevant no matter whether the operationalization is self report Scores should be consistent observational or psychological Primarily relevant when researchers are measuring construct Interrater reliability consistent results are obtained no matter who measures or observes Most relevant for observational measures Internal reliability a study participant gives a consistent pattern of answers no matter how the researcher has phrased the question 2 3 Correlation Coefficient r a single number to indicate how close the dots on a scatterplot are to a line drawn through them Describes the direction and strength of the association between two variables Strong closer to 1 or 1 when the dots are close to the line and is weak closer to 0 when the dots are spread out Positive move together Negative move opposite Cronbach s alpha correlation based measure provides information about internal reliability The closer the Cronbach s alpha to 1 the better the scales reliability Cutoff of 0 7 necessary for measure to be considered reliable If internal reliability is lower the researchers are not justified in combining all the items into one scale Validity of Measurement Face validity looks as if it should be a good measure o Does it appear to measure what it is supposed to measure Content validity must measure the entire range of a construct o Usually evaluated and scored by experts in the content area o a CVI context validity index of 80 or more is desirable o If we are looking at intelligence measure to evaluate ability to Plan Reason Think abstractly Comprehend complex ideas Criterion validity the degree to which content on a test correlates with performance on relevant criterion measures o If they do correlate highly it means that the test has criterion validity o Two types of criterion validity Concurrent Criterion Validity how well performance on a test estimates current performance on some valued measure criterion e g test of dictionary skills can estimate students current skills in the actual use of dictionary observation Predictive Criterion Validity how well performance on a test predicts future performance on some valued measure criterion e g reading readiness test might be used to predict students achievement in reading at the end of a semester Both are only possible IF the predictors are VALID Convergent validity the degree to which a measurement correlates with other established measurements of a construct o Correlate less strongly with measures of other distinct constructs o A new measure of intelligence should correlate highly with the current standard Divergent validity the degree to which a measure does not correlate with a measure of a the WAIS different variable o A measure of depression should NOT correlate highly with a measure that has o If it does we have no idea if the new measure is really measuring depression self been connected to self esteem esteem or a combination of both Relationship between reliability and validity The validity of a measure is not the same as reliability May be less valid than it is reliable but cannot be more valid than it is reliable Reliability does not equal validity Chapter 6 Describing What People Do Surveys and Sampling Survey when people are asked about a consumer product Survey question formats o Open ended questions allows respondents to answer in an any way they see fit Example Describe your thoughts on the rising cost of parking at OSU which is scheduled to increase 5 next year o Forced choice format which people give their opinion by picking the best of two or more options your true feelings Example Choose one of the following statements that best connects with I really like to be the center of attention It makes me uncomfortable to be the center of attention o Likert scale a scale that presents a statement and then are asked to use a rating scale to indicate their degree of agreement

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OSU PSYCH 2300 - Chapter 5: Identifying a Good Measurement

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