Bio 1101 Final Review Things missed from first 2 exams MIDTERM 1 Definition of cell Endosymbiosis idea that euk organism arose from prok ancestor Basic definition explanation Evidence starting point Two prok cells Mitochondria Important organelle provides energy Function and basic characteristics Organization of genetic material levels of organization of genetic material genes genome chromosome nucleotide Storage of energy in ATPhow is it stored and converted and what molecule is it present in where in molecule is it stored Nondisjunction chormosomes not separating properly at cell division results in gametes with too many or few chromosomes DNA fingerprinting what it tells us and doesn t what its good for Cell division after fertilization what happens after fertilization mitosis genetically identical cells how cells that die are replaced and meiosis process of sexual reproduction different genetic make up outcomes need to know end result and why important Overview of DNA replication review basics how its copied and how to go from dna to proten transcription in nucleus translation outside nucleus Basic chemical reactions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration gluclose carbon dioxide atp Cell resp Cancer what happens at the cellular level cells are supposed to die and cancer keeps them alive telomeres and cancer Cell division Binary fission for prok Cell Mitosis and meiosis End results of each Sex determination y s and x s Genetically modified organisms MIDTERM II Natural Selection 5 basic observations know list reproductive fitness origin of life strongest evidence we have small molecules like amino acids can be synthesized from nonliving conditions 3 domains of life bacteria archea and eukerya relationship of viruses viruses are important because they effect living things but they are not oen themselves they are NOT living 4 major plant groups nonvascular gymnosperms seedless vascular 9 major animal phyla important ones chordates arthopods basic characteristics tissues Symmetry vertebrate evolution study importance of limb development tetrapod vs non ambiotic egg what characteristics required in order to be successful on land vs water prokaryote reproduction how genetic material can be exchanged vs binary fission 3 ways to get genetica material transduction congregation evolution of altruism relatedness is high altruism can be favored Insects have haploid diploid sisters more related so if they help mother create more sisters then this makes sense evolutionarily Final section Physiology organ system Organization of tissues in relation to other aspects of bio cell tissue organ Respiration lung diffusion sacs trachae and gills gas exchange Muscle smooth and cardiac subcons Skeletal concious Osmoregulation homeostasis osmoconverg change body to match environment osmoreg stay in small range physiology helps maintain homeostasis Kidneys are osmoregulatory organs Nerves receive and transmit communication within body Different cell receptors in body for senses neurons same receptors different NEURONS 3 types sensory perphial receives and sends to inter to tell motor motor periph does the action and inter central middle man Drugs trick brain by interfering with how signals are transmitted adenosine caffeine Digestion and nutrition everything relies on protein broken down into amino acids Carbs energy lipids fats longterm energy vitamins and minerals important but no energy help make important macromolecules Indigestion teeth digestion stomach acids absorption small intestine elimination colon large intestine Cellulose is in plants cant be digested without help of bacteria in stomach Mutualistic relationship Immunity Ecosystems Climate Vertebrate circulation Fishes single circuit two chambered heart Amphibians reptiles three chambered heart two circuits of blood flow Mammals and birds 4 chambered heart two circuits CONVERGENT EVOLUTION that birds and humans are same Ecology Basics of population ecology Expotential growth Logistic growth Reproduction how hormones play a role Advatnages disadvantages Role of hormones Development cleavage early cell division results in blastula gastrulation migration of cells to form 3 germ layers neurolation turns germ layers into various tissues and organs Lactation extension of reproduction process Conservation Causes of extinction what causes current invasive species humans Mass large number over short period background small number over long period Species with small range more likely to extinct small populations more likely to extinct Species with small fundamental niches habitat tolerance more likely to Island biogeography and what it tells us island can be any ecosystem that is surrounded by a different ecosystem and isolated Diversity is affected by size of island and distance from mainland the closer and bigger the more Reserve design closely related with island biogeography better reserve diverse it is designs Conservation what to protect Flagship pretty symbolic Keystone has a huge ecological importance Indicator species presence indicates a healthy ecosystem Umbrella large range and requirements Clicker questions What is true about climate change there is extensive evidence that it is happening some species are extending their range northward humans are the major cause of high levels of greenhouse gases all of above What is a cause of the current mass extinction Invasive species greenhouse gases habitat destruction Island biogeography predicts that there will be more species on islands Close to mainland The equator Species richness tends to increase close to Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of asexual reproduction It produces genetically identically uniform populations Questions don t spend time on plant generations clonal selection happens after pathogen comes white blood cells create antigen to defeat it after initial exposure Different stages of succession NOT important Types of animal tissues have basic understanding don t need to know all of them just have basic idea of what they are One of most important components of blood is also an important aspect of immune system know white blood cells know how blood circulation of gas exchange Respiration How are the different circulation patterns need to know understand main differences of fish reptiles birds and mammals relate to heart Also important fo maintain homeostasis relationshpih between circulation and whether or not an animal is endo birds and humans due to
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