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Hormones Chromosomes Mon Wed Fri Feb 4th 6th 8th Stages of Difference Sexual Dimorphism 2 different versions of humans Genetic Stage o Sex chromosomes when sperm meets egg what chromosomal makeup occurs Gonadal State o Reproductive organs Hormonal Stage o Prenatal and pubertal o What hormones make what occur Internal Genitalia o Ovaries testes other reproductive organs External Genitalia Sexual Differentiation Chromosomal differences between sexes 23 pairs of chromosomes o First 22 are called Autosomes o 21 Trisomy Downs Syndrome o 23rd is the sex chromosome an X XX Girl XY Boy o Male determines the sex of the child Variations in Biological Sex Klinefelter most common variation from XY Ovum always brings an X and the sperm brings a Y or o XXY 1 500 1 000 males o Second most common chromosome condition caused by an actual chromosome o Characteristics Rounded body shape Presence of breasts Low fertility Taller and heavier Smaller testicles Lack secondary features associated with men Chest hair Shape of pubic hair shape inverted triangle Infertility Higher risk Breast cancer Osteoporosis Autoimmune disorders Learning problems Tend to be in reading and writing At level of learning disability o Masculine hormones to try to make masculine development more typical o Gender Identity Diamond Watson 2004 Reviewed literature androgen insensitivity and then Klinefelter Gender identity is infrequently addressed If you look at onset of sexual behaviors you find that many with Klinefelter a later onset of behaviors when considering love Later masturbation first kiss intercourse than XY other people KS majority identify as male present as with atypical male characteristics Caroline Kosey was raised at a boy Came out as girl Famous model as woman One of James Bond girls Kerotype of XXXY Khandelwal Agarwal Jiloha 2010 New Delhi India Case study Person with XXY born with female external and internal genitalia One menstrual period at age 15 16 OBGYN exam enlarged clitoris normal internal female ovaries and organs Identified more with boys o Wanted sex reassignment surgery Disappeared o XYY 1960s a lot of press Early research people with XYY were aggressive in jail frequently criminals if in jail you were probably an XYY More violent than XY We believe the Y chromosome is responsible for aggression Recent Research People with XYY are taller than other people Increased risk for some developmental disorders Pileup of chromosomes not whether its X or Y More similarities with those with extra than No consistent finding with aggression more supportive of not aggression Do not have higher levels of testosterone than other individuals Visoostak and Graham 2009 IQ XYY men increased risk for learning problems but the IQ range is wide Rate of verbal learning problems is higher in XYY men than XY men Variations In Biological Sex Turner Syndrome o X0 1 200 2 500 births o Rarer than KS Pairing that would not make it to birth would most likely result in miscarriage o Physical signs Short in stature average of 4 7 Childlike features associated with pre pubertal No curves Toddler like puffy hands No sexual development at puberty or extremely slow Lack of ovarian function Webbed neck o Sterile o Can be diagnosed early o Hormone treatments Increase ovarian development o Learning disability Math and spatial intelligence o Some studies Cragg Lafreniere 2010 self esteem Compared to XX women and women of Turners Hypothesis Turners women would score lower in all types of self esteem Did score lower in all but performance esteem Sheaffer Lange Bondy 2008 sexual functioning Average in 30s Sexual functioning and ideas of relationships 69 un partnered or unmarried 3 total had children all adopted Highly functional and educated group College plus education 86 employed Of women in relationship sexual function not different at all Reproductive organs Hormonal Effects Both have Wolffian M llerian systems o Wolffian Male system o M llerian Female system Males o Y stimulates androgen which stimulates Wolffian masculinization o M llerian inhibiting substance leads to degeneration of M llerian defeminization Females o Low androgen leads to M llerian system development Wolffian fails to develop o Capacity to develop is in all Intersexuality Not easy to apply dichotomy Defined as physiology that combines both male and female attributes o XY with external female genitalia o XX with external male genitalia o Ambiguous genitalia Should we surgically correct ambiguous genitalia Many against Assign a gender label Check chromosomal makeup and correct directed toward that o 2 of people have intersex condition Hormonal Variations Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Complete AIS CAIS o XY but insensitive to androgens Inherited X linked syndrome o Gonads testicular Start secreting testosterone and other androgens o Female External genitalia no duct system Absence of androgen Have vagina Have no cervix or uterus fallopian tubes Internal testes o Most often raised as girls o At Puberty rise in androgen but do not respond to androgen Get tall long legs no menarche angular face male typical athletic looking do not get male patterned baldness Many not all diagnosed at puberty o Adjustment Hines 2003 XY women and XX CAIS women General well being Personality Gender type behavior Orientation Gender identity No different variable in the study that differentiated these women Conclusion being XX is not required for being a woman Diamond Watson 2004 What problems are caused by CAIS AIS women most problems are shame and stigma of condition False information about diagnoses Learned through wiki rather than physician 51 informed of information by physician after their diagnosis Testicular female 62 considered suicide 23 attempted Partial AIS PAIS o Some sensitivity to androgens Non response or response is incomplete o Wide range of expression Harder to do research o Ambiguous genitalia at birth o Raised as boy or girl is more variable Viner et al 1997 59 raised as boys o Diamond Watson 2004 Was the gender with which you were raised the right label for you CAIS Girls 100 correct PAIS 67 said not correct label 10 raised as girls 2 identified as male 8 raised as boys 61 suicide 17 attempted Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia o From birth almost always diagnosed extremely early o Adrenal glands producing way more androgen than they are supposed to Prenatally and throughout life o 1 10 000 18 000 o Boys Getting much more androgen than normal Surge of androgen at puberty

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OSU PSYCH 4543 - Hormones & Chromosomes

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