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Art History Lecture Notes Part 2 Leonardo da Vinci Renaissance Man polymath engineer botanist anatomist fluid dynamics weaponry design cartography stage design costume design music composition musical instrument design urban planning painting sculpture architecture robotics Illegitimate son of a Florentine notary Not a master of Latin or Greek Leonardo Landscape 1473 1ST work no narrative no biblical mythological background 1st drawing out in the open direct observation Plein Air Fine observation of plants drawing studying over a season Dynamic world is not static Thousands of pages of notes written from right to left left handed it makes them harder to read fascinated with anatomy did over 100 dissections Anatomies are so precise that they could be used today Leonardo Embryo in the Womb 1510 Sees things as a constant cycle of life to death Things he discovers in nature he applies to engineering Spine to chain link tries to invent winged flight inspired by human hand Vinci by Florence Leonardo da Vinci worked in Milan Ludovico Sforza Duke of Milan Mechanical Lion mechanical car Designed weapons for Duke tank chariot Leonardo Virgin of the Rocks 1483 milestone in the history of painting Mary John the Baptist Christ Angel geology in a cavern Composition in a broad triangle Leonardo makes a more 3 D composition Sfumato smokey IDEAL oridinary but on a higher plane Piero della Francesca Resurrection 1480 also in a triangle celebrates triumph of the Church in the Counter Reformation Sta Maria della Grazie Milan Refectory Leonardo Last Supper 1495 98 Not following the traditional fresco style Mixed oil and tempera not good had to be restored 30 times Dr Pinin Brambilla Garcillon removed all the over paint to get down to the original Believable Responses Real Perfect Configuration Ideal High Renaissance fusion of real and ideal Leonardo Mona Lisa Frontal view portraiture uncommon for women Whole upper torso is showing more vivid presence chest is at an angle turn in space that makes it look more real All of his drawings of building plans radiate from a central dome Central Plan Ideal vitruvian man Leonardo da Vinci Vitruvian Man c 1490 Based on a maxim coined by Protagoras and quotes by Vitruvius Man is the measure of all things Square wingspan height Circle naval is center of a perfect circle Never built his perfect temple but influenced others Donato Bramante met Leonardo in Milan Donato Bramante Tempietto San Pietro in Montorio Rome c 1508 Built to mark the spot where St Peter was crucified Vitruvian Man embodied in a building perfect circle in a perfect circle in a perfect square Pope Julius II 1503 1513 Old St Peter s Rome consecrated by the Emperor Constantine himself in 330 Bramante designed the New St Peter s 1506 Rome Basilica plan replaced by central plan based on the Vitruvian man ideal I will put the dome of the Pantheon on the Basilica of Constantine Bramante Michelangelo Buonarotti 1475 1564 given a long and gushing chapter at the end of Vasari s Lives of the Artists ca 1550 Described by Vasari as the most noteworthy painter sculptor and architect of his time he was also a decent poet Known as the Divine One in his lifetime Preferred sculpture to painting even at an early age With Leonardo and Michelangelo the artist moves from craftsman a hand laborer to an intellectual Michelangelo Pieta 1498 1500 Only work he ever signed Changed the portrayal of the Pieta Mary is younger it is very unproportional and unrealistic to make it look better very pleasing to the eye Very peaceful and serene Based on the triangular shape that Leonardo used in his painting Michelangelo David 1501 04 Commissioned by the Republic of Florence to go on the Cathedral fa ade Different than previous David eliminates Goliath Pope Julius II calls Michelangelo to Rome to work for him Tomb Project for Julius II Concieved in 1505 Bramante apparently told the Pope it was bad luck to have someone working on your tomb while you re still alive and the pope dropped the project For this reason Michelangelo HATED Bramante Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the Sistine Chapel Ceiling even though he didn t want to and painting wasn t his favorite Michelangelo Sistine Chapel Ceiling 1508 1512 Rome Life of Moses Old Testament Life of Christ New Testament Ancestors of Christ are painted in by Michelangelo which links the two walls old new Prophets and Sibyls Jeremiah Delphic Sibyl The sibyls also saw the coming of Christ pagan Ignudo ignudi plural they usually hold bushels of acorns Julius family name Nine scenes from Genesis Noah s Flood 1st Temptation and Expulsion from Eden last he gets better at the fresco style Adam is reaching for the fruit at the SAME TIME as Eve Equal responsibility Creation of Eve vs Creation of Adam Michelangelo learns to make his painting skills better Creation of Adam God is giving life to Adam Very dynamic Creation of Light Dark God looks very feminine Raffaello di Sanzio Raphael Raphael apprenticed with an early Renaissance painter named Perugino Raphael Marriage of the Virgin 1504 Isocephaly all the heads are on the same level Perugino s version The figures seem more lifelike Raphael goes to Florence from 1504 1508 Influenced by Leonardo and Michelangelo Julius calls Raphael to paint the library Stanza della Signtura Mannerism 1520 1580 VERY Weird Deliberate renunciation of clarity of high renaissance Parmigianino Madonna with the Long Neck 1534 40 Bronzino Allegory with Venus Cupid Folly and Time c 1546 Time reveals all Folly artificiality and things that are impossible Bronzino Portrait of a Young Man 1530 45 Giovanni da Bologna Abduction of the Sabine Women 1579 83 Movement of 3 figures in a single block of marble Federigo Gonzaga Duke of Mantua 1520s 30s Giulo Romano Palazzo del Te 1525 35 Mantua Inner courtyard mannerism at work Irregular details pediments Art for art s sake experimentation Martin Luther 1485 1546 Luther was an Augustinian monk Germany Pope Julius II 1503 1513 Luther saw the tearing down of the holiest building in Europe to make way for New St Peter s Luther was upset that popes did not hold to their holy vows Pope Alexander VI Borgia 1492 1503 had daughter Lucrezia Borgia Pope Leo X Medici 1513 21 nepotism cousin and nephew were cardinals Indulgences paying money to get time off in purgatory Pope Leo X s Indulgence sold for the Rebuilding of St Peter s Wittenberg October 31 1517 Luther nails 95 Theses to door of Wittenberg Cathedral Protestant Reformation By

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KSU ARTH 22007 - Leonardo da Vinci

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