ITALIAN NOTES 3 3 Review Ripasso Verbi Riflessivi oneself lavarsi to wash yourself lavare to wash something dog car clothes How to form the reflexive Mi Ti Si I wash my hair Mi lavo I capelli Ci Vi Si present tense of verb New Stuff Reciprocal verbs express action that two or more people do to each other so they are only used in the noi voi and loro forms Common reciprocal verbs abbracciarsi to hug baciarsi to kiss farsi gli auguri to exchange good wishes incontrarsi to meet innamorarsi to fall in love salutarsi to greet separarsi to separate sposarsi to marry Use the same methods as reflexive verbs to form reciprocal verbs Examples Gianni salute Maria Maria salute Gianni Gianni e Maria si salutano Gianni greets Maria Maria greets Gianni Gianni and Maria greet each other
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