PS101 Quiz 1B Study Guide The Behavioral Model Learning Theory Almost all behavior is learned As you go up the evolutionary ladder learning determines more and more behavior not genes instinctive etc Learning relatively permanent change in behavior or behavior potential as a result of training experience or practice If a behavior isn t learned it must be instinctive In order for a behavior to be instinctive Must be complex Cannot be learned or taught Must be rigidly patterned every time the behavior is done its done the same way Found in all members of the species or sex Emotions are in born characteristics Lorenz psychologist interested in birds When chicks were isolated and then re introduced to the group they didn t try to follow the group But when isolated chick was with a moving bowling pin it followed Imprinting when birds are born their attachment is like wet cement whatever print goes in the cement the first day or two is what your imprinted too how you know your species Following is instinctive but what you are attached to is learned Critical period in prenatal development a period during which an embryo is particularly vulnerable to a certain substance in the development of attachment a period of time when an instinctive response can be elicited by a particular stimulus Theories of Learning 1 Classical Conditioning Pavlovian reflexive association learning Developed in 1904 Russia by Ivan Pavlov won Nobel prize for his research Wanted to study salvation in dogs Referred to salivation as psychic secretions Said salvation is a reflex and a reflex has 2 components Stimulus elicits reflex food caused salivation Unconditioned stimulus doesn t need to be learned food Unconditioned response an unlearned response to an unconditioned stimulus salivation Conditioned stimulus a previously neutral stimulus that elicits a conditioned response because it has been paired repeatedly with a stimulus that already elicited that response bell Conditioned response a learned response to a conditioned Rang the bell and gave pellet of food over and over Then rang bell but didn t give food dog started to salivate can now be conditioned stimulus A conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response because of its association with the original unconditioned stimulus With food salivation is a reflex With bell salivation is learned associated with food Conditioned stimulus must always come before unconditioned stimulus food Distance in time between CS and UCS must be less than a second stronger association Extinction the stopping of the conditioned response because of a weakening between the association of the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus Stimulus generalization when you respond in the same way to a similar but different stimulus than you were conditioned to The more similar the bell was to the original the more likely the dog would salivate dog generalizes what is has learned 2 Operant Conditioning Skinnerian instrumental consequences learning Higher order conditioning when you use one conditioned stimulus to teach an association to another neutral conditioned stimulus Associated buzzer with bell and since bell was for food dog would salivate when it heard buzzer Applications Ads celebrity endorsements Prejudice pre judge previous associations ex hospitals negative Phobias fears an irrational fear response to a specific object or situation generalizations based on one experience ex getting bitten by dog so fearing all dogs John Watson Little Albert As soon as Albert made direct eye contact with the rat he made a loud noise to scare Albert fear became associated with rat Anytime Albert saw something white and furry he cried generalization Treatment for phobias systematic desensitization most of our fears are learned so they can be unlearned 80 success rate Relaxation training deep muscle relaxation takes about an hour first step Heirarchy construction make a list of least most scary parts second step Pairing step 1 and 2 say the first item on the list and then make them relax Developed in 1938 BF Skinner Most work done on autistic kids is operant conditioning Any behavior can be phrased as a contingency IF demand behavior THEN consequence Positive reinforcement anything that follows a behavior and increases the probability that the behavior will occur again not reward strengthens behavior not bribing We learn our first response by shaping Shaping reinforcement of successive approximations to the desired response Skinner box when lever is pushed food is released Cumulative recorder graph never goes to zero shows accumulation of activity Satiation the rat stops bar pressing because its full foods only reinforcing if animal is hungry all biological drives are susceptible to satiation a reduced to respond because of over exposure to the positive reinforce Schedules of reinforcement how do we give out the positive reinforcement Continuous every correct response receives a reinforcer used when teaching a new response Intermittant partial schedules reinforcement comes periodically most of life Fixed ratio FR reinforcement comes after a fixed number of responses Variable ratio VR reinforcement comes after an average number of responses not predictable steady behavior doesn t know when food is going to come Fixed interval FI reinforce first response made after a set time interval Variable interval VI pop quizzes time interval is variable Behavior Aspects of behavior Frequency how often Intensity how strong Duration how long it lasts Consequences of behavior Positive reinforcement behavior increases Extinction behavior decreases a stopping of the behavior due to a withholding of the reinforce most predictable continuous will stop first time out Behavior gets worse before it gets better Punishment behavior decreases anything that follows a response and decreases the probability of the behavior occurring again ineffective The effect of punishment lasts only as long as the threat exists Creates strong emotional responses to the punisher Avoid punishing situations causes kids to be sneaky Negative reinforcement increases behavior begins with a neg situation person does some behavior that stops neg situation which increases probability that behavior will occur again doesn t increase pos just eliminates neg Reinforcement Primary physical drives food sleep etc Secondary conditioned value we have to learn grades money etc ABC s of behavior antecedent behavior consequence Antecedent environement
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