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Marketing in the news Birds eye created hash tag shaped potatoes to help remind you of the internet Tater tots hash tag shaped new product intro mashtags pete Johnson senior brand manager at birds eye growing consumer target market new tasty eat what you tweet Restaurant chains are hitting the mark with customers through effective advertising campaigns CBM tracking program to stay abreat of consumer sentiemnt and brand patronage Can identify where consumer satisfaction is positively influenses Darren tristo Tim Horton s coffee art advertising grew from 68 8 72 9 percent Taco Bells Doritos locos tacos 79 6 93 3 Jack Astors bar and grill no alch beverages 9 10 consumers like Definitions Marketing research process of defining a marketing problem and opportunity systematically collecting and analyzing info and recommending actions Constraints restrictions placed on potential solutions to a problem Secondary Data facts and figures that have already been recorded before the project at hand Primary Data facts and figures that are newly collected for the project Observational data facts and figures obtained by watching either mechanically or in person how people actually behave Questionnaire data facts and figures obtained by asking people about their attitudes awareness intentions and behaviors Continued notes from previous day Promotion Strategies Same promotion globally Promote to local tastes Create entirely new promotion Distribution and pricing Channels usualy long and complex Countries may impose pricing constraints Muller on global culture and pricing issues i ii iii iv v vi Timken tends to hire locals who understand the culture Pricing misunderstanding More demand then supply Icrease price Losing face Manage communication Chapter 8 marketing research Important factors that marketers need information about CREST promotion product place price C ompetition R egulatory E conomic S ocial T echnology Market research process of defining a market problem and opportunity systematically collecting info and recommending actions USES Planning marketing programs implementation of programs and their evaluation Marketing Program Failures examples new coke crystal pepsi sony Betamax sega dreamcast colgate kitchen entrees The five step marketing research Step one define the problem Set objectives GOALS understand relationships affect Step two develop the research plan Specify constraints finance time identify data collect data sampling nonprobability sampling Step three collect relevant information Types of data secondary and primary Step four develop findings analyze data and present the finding Step five take marketing action

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KSU MKTG 25010 - Marketing

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