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Formal Organizations 2 24 14 Bureaucracies Max Weber says it s the most efficient way to organize o He give us a notion of ideal type not something that exists in groups reality A Hierarchy of Authority chain of command Ex Roman Empire defeated anyone who tried to take power authoritarian leader has a plan and everyone under them executes it Large American corporation today Steve Jobs and Apple B Clear Division of Labor Everyone has a different job that nobody else has C Explicit Rules Written and standardized rules o Ex how much work you can miss for deaths in the immediate family compared to the extended family how long you can grieve Nepotism the hiring of one s relatives Here s what it takes to get hired and fired D Impersonality Ex five different people receiving the same e mail about missing assignments Takes personal feeling out of a professional setting Meritocracies Come about through bureaucracies o Personal rises and moves up because of skills and merit based qualities and what we deserve rise in an organization R Michels introduced the Iron Law of Ol garchy o Democracy is messy rule of many by many o Rule that cannot be bent broken changed o Any organization from a triad to 500 people will have a tendency towards ol garchy rule of many by few McDonalization of Society Revamp of Max Weber s bureaucracies G Ritzer A Efficiency B Predictability McDonalds This is the division of labor More productivity with more people doing smaller jobs Ex You know what to expect when you order a fast food burger o Ketchup goes on before pickles at Burger King

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KSU SOC 12050 - Formal Organizations

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