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TEST 2 REVIEW 4 Methods of testing in Learning Disabilities 1 Standardized achievement test norm referred 2 Informal Reading Math Inventories IRI IM a Common assessment developed administration by teachers to determine a level of reading math that should be worked on to Pinpoint students defects 3 Formative Evaluation methods criterion referred a Curriculum based assessment measures kids performance on particular curriculum 4 Authentic Assessment authenticity of standardized test Purpose to assess critical thinking problem solving abilities in real life situations The Three D s Dyslexia READING DISORDER Language based disability in which person is having trouble understanding written words Dyscalculia ARITHMIC DISORDER mathematical disability in which a person has a difficult time solving problems grasping math concepts Dysgraphi hard to form letters or write w in a defined space a WRITING DISORDER writing disability in which a person finds it Types of Language Problems Receptive Language Disorder phases and or sentences at below their age level Expressive Language Disorder below their ability to receive them Mixed Combination the inability to comprehend age appropriate words the inability to send messages is significantly Three Type Speech Sounds Vowels are speech sounds that require voicing vocal folds and shaping of the tongue and lips Diphthongs are combinations of two vowels in a single syllable Consonants made with without voicing with specific movements of articulatory mechanisms Causes of Speech Language 1 Organic disorders in which a known neurological or structural abnormality causes the problem 2 Functional caused by psychological environment factors or there may be unknown Examples of Speech Disorders Articulation can cause a persons speech to be unintelligible a Substitutions replacement of 1 sound for another b Omissions leaving a sound completely out of a word c Distortions replacement of an acceptable sound that doesn t exist d Addition adding a sound that normally doesn t exist in a word Cleft Palate occurs 1 out of every 750 births thought to be genetic in nature seems to follow families in 3 types lip only palate only lip palate Cerebral Palsy damage brain areas that control articulators Voice Disorders exist when pitch loudness or quality of voice differs from others of similar age sex and cultural group Fluency Disorders stuttering is the term that we most associate with the problem The Teacher s role in Educational Setting 1 Responsibility for identifying children who need a speech and language services 2 Work as a team with the speech pathologist and parents 3 May have to use different teaching strategies in the classroom 4 School home approach 5 Ensure language facilitating by giving individuals many opportunities to use language 5 Never make individual feel different from the other students in the class Developmental Signs of MR 1 Sit up crawl walk later then other children 2 Learn to talk later or have trouble speaking 3 Find it hard to remember things 4 Having trouble understanding social cues rules 5 Trouble understanding consequences for their own actions 6 Trouble problem solving thinking logically Levels of Support 1 Intermittent based on an as needed basis may be short term or episodic in nature 2 Limited support is consistent over a limited time frame 3 Extensive support which is characterized by regular involvement with no time limits 4 Pervasive support which is characterized by constant and intense involvement across life span Types of Support in MENTAL RETARDATION 1 Natural Support individuals own resources family friends and neighbors helping with complex tasks 2 Non paid support community based support 3 Generic Support state human resources such as public transportation 4 Specialized Support disability specific Types of Behavior a Overt behavior is an action that can be observed and recorded by a person other than the one engaging in the behavior b Covert behavior private events are not observable to others c Behavior modification primarily focus on overt or observable behaviors Strategies to Increase Decrease Behavior 1 Reinforcement 2 Contracting 3 Modeling 4 Antecedent Control 5 Punishment 6 Exclusionary Elements of PBS 1 the approach employed is agreed on by all involved 2 Contain a positive purpose statement 3 A small number of rules for students and teachers are worded in positive way 4 Clear procedures for teaching behaviors expectations to students 5 Contain a set of procedures for appropriate behaviors as well as inappropriate behavior 6 Plan to monitor the PBS system and evaluating its effectiveness Goals of PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions Support 1 Achieve improved academic performance 2 Enhanced social competence 3 Safe learning teaching environments Self management techniques 1 Self monitoring requires students to determine whether a target behavior has occurred and then record its occurrence 2 Self instruction training strategy for teaching any sequential thinking skills such as problem solving handling frustration managing anger or resisting peer pressure 3 Self Evaluation ask student to compare his her behavior with some criteria and make judgments amount the quality of behavior being exhibited 4 Self reinforcement means that the student rewards him herself with token tally after meeting some performance standards such as avoiding aggressive outburst Production of Speech 1 Respiration breathing generates the energy that produces sounds 2 Phonation is the production of sound by vibration of vocal chords 3 Resonation gives the voice a unique characteristic that identifies the speaker product of sound traveling through speaker s head neck 4 Articulation is the movement of mouth tongue that shapes sounds into phonemes smallest unit of sound which combine to make speech VOCAB TEST 2 Communication implies a transfer exchange of knowledge ideas and feelings It involves encoding ability to transmit and decoding messages Transferred via language Language is a system of rules governing sounds words meaning and use Speech Is the physical process of making the sounds and sound combinations Syntax how words are joined together to structure meaningful sentences grammar Semantics study of meanings attached to words and sentences Pragmatics how one uses language in social situations functional use of language Phoneme smallest sound segment in a word that we can hear and that when changed the words meaning is modified Laryngectomy the

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