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ch17 Student 1 Traditional approaches to project management concentrate firmly on thorough cid 10 2 Once the project scope has been firmly established every detail of the cid 10 cid 10 planning cid 10 A Up front B With the customer C With the project team D Of the WBS E None of the above project is defined through the cid 10 A Deliverables B Job tickets C WBS D Estimates E Risks cid 10 cid 10 to be used is known and proven cid 10 A Stability B Certainty C Unity D Uncertainty E Degree 3 Project varies according to the extent the project scope is known and stable and the technology In many cases only begin to understand what they actually desire when they are provided with someone s impression of what they want cid 10 cid 10 A Project Managers B Customers C Sponsers D Team Leaders E All of the above are correct can be a source of unpredictability cid 10 A Technology B Clients C Vendors D Sponsers E WBS cid 10 6 All of the following are part of the Traditional Project Management model except cid 10 cid 10 7 All of the following are part of the Agile Project Management model except cid 10 cid 10 A Fixed scope B Deliverables C Continuous Design D Low uncertainty E Conventional Project Teams A Flexibility B High uncertainty C Embrace change D Design up front E Self organized project teams 4 5 8 9 represents a fundamental shift away from the traditional plan driven project management approach by adopting a more experimental and adaptive approach to managing projects cid 10 A Agile project management B Hybrid project management C Uncertain project management D Focused project management E Interactive project management cid 10 Iterations are short time frames time boxes that typically last from cid 10 A 1 4 days B 1 2 weeks C 1 4 weeks D 4 7 weeks E 7 12 weeks cid 10 10 In the Snap Shot From Practice IDEO Masters of Design one of the product innovations is cid 10 cid 10 A First Apple Mouse B Head s Airflow Tennis Racket C Zyliss Salad Spinner D Nokia N Gage Smart phones E All of the above are correct 11 In the Snap Shot From Practice IDEO Masters of Design CEO Tim Brown recommends that should only take as much time and effort needed to generate useful feedback and evolve an idea cid 10 A Projects B Prototypes C Experiments D Product Design E Development cid 10 12 Iterative development processes provide the which important advantages cid 10 cid 10 Frequent demonstration of progress to increase the likelihood that the end product will satisfy customer needs A Continuous integration verification and validation of the evolving product B C Early detection of defects and problems D A B and C are correct E None of the above is correct 13 In the Research Highlight Product Development practices that Work The waterfall method is the name 14 Which is not part of a family of methods designed to respond to the challenges of unpredictable projects cid 10 used in what industry cid 10 A Automotive B Tool and Dye C Publishing D Renewable Energy E Software cid 10 cid 10 A Agile modeling B Lean development C RUP Rational Unified Process D Crystal clear E Fixed scope 15 Which each of these Agile principles Employ business driven prioritizations of requirements and 16 Which each of these Agile principles create a flow of value to customers by chunking project delivery 17 Which each of these Agile principles Test assumptions early and build working prototypes to solicit customer feedback and refine product requirements cid 10 A Focus on customer value B Iterative and incremental delivery C Experimentation and adaptation D Self organization E Continuous improvement cid 10 18 Which each of these Agile principles is where team members decide amongst themselves who and what 19 Which each of these Agile principles is where Teams reflect learn and adapt to change work informs 20 A new holistic approach in new commercial product development efforts is known as cid 10 cid 10 21 A is defined as a piece of a product that delivers some useful functionality to a customer cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 features cid 10 A Focus on customer value B Iterative and incremental delivery C Experimentation and adaptation D Self organization E Continuous improvement cid 10 into small functioning increments cid 10 A Focus on customer value B Iterative and incremental delivery C Experimentation and adaptation D Self organization E Continuous improvement cid 10 should be done cid 10 A Focus on customer value B Iterative and incremental delivery C Experimentation and adaptation D Self organization E Continuous improvement the plan cid 10 cid 10 A Focus on customer value B Iterative and incremental delivery C Experimentation and adaptation D Self organization E Continuous improvement A Scrum B Specific project management C Traditional project management D Prioritized WBS E Functional teams A Scrum B Value C Spirit D Feature E Priority 22 In the Scrum Development Process a specific feature is cid 10 cid 10 23 A person who acts on behalf of customers to represent their interests is called a cid 10 cid 10 A Analysis B Design C Build D Trust E All of the above are correct A Customer service representive B Project champion C Customer liaison D Product owner E Production coordinator A 5 9 B 7 10 C 8 12 D 12 14 E 15 20 24 A Development Team typically made up of people with cross functional skill sets cid 10 cid 10 25 What are the questions asked at the daily scrum cid 10 A What have you done since the last Scrum B What will you do between now and the next Scrum C What is getting in the way blocks you from performing your work as effectively as possible D What is the newest schedule changes E A B and C are all questions cid 10 26 How long does the daily scrum last cid 10 cid 10 27 The is the customer s prioritized list of key features desired when the project is 28 represents the amount of work the team commits to complete during the next sprint cid 10 cid 10 29 Which of the following is not part of the Agile Alliance manifesto that declared four core values cid 10 cid 10 A Individuals and interactions over processes and tools B Working software over comprehensive documentation C Creating an end user survey D Customer collaboration over contract negotiation E Responding to change over following a plan A 5 min B 10 min C 15 min D 20 min E 25 min cid 10 completed cid 10 A Project master B Spirit backlog C Creative backlog D Product backlog E Project list A Spirit backlog B Product backlog C Project backlog D Schedule backlog E Task backlog 30 are the

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