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ch12 Student 1 Contracting project work has long been the norm in the industry cid 10 cid 10 2 The process for the transferring of business functions or processes to other often foreign companies has 3 When you call your Internet provider to solve a technical problem and you end up talking to a technician in India or Romania you have just experienced cid 10 A Telecommunications B Partnering C Outsourcing D Service shift E Bilingual customer service cid 10 4 Which of the following is not a potential part of the outsourcing concept cid 10 cid 10 A Telecommunications B Financial C Insurance D Construction E Retail cid 10 traditionally been known as cid 10 A Subcontracting B Downsizing C Partnering D Joint venture E Outsourcing A Computers B Faxes C Computer aided design systems D Video teleconferencing E All the above are correct A Shortened project completion B Reduced costs C Higher level of expertise D Reduced conflict E Increased flexibility A Increased conflict B Coordination breakdowns C Increased costs D Loss of control E More internal morale issues 5 Advantages of outsourcing project work may likely include all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 6 Disadvantages of outsourcing project work may likely include all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 7 The driving motive for increasing the use of outsourcing on projects was cid 10 cid 10 A Reducing the trade deficit B Reducing costs C Improving international sales D Making products more international in design E Securing technology that was not available domestically 8 Recent outsourcing trends have shown an increasing emphasis on the suppliers for all of the following cid 10 except cid 10 A Further cost reductions B Increased quality of work performed C Increased ability to collaborate D Increased ability to work together E All of these are recent trends 9 Key practices in partnering relationships include cid 10 cid 10 A Single project contracting B Goals and objectives are similar C Access to each other s organizational resources D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct 10 In the Competing against the Giants Snapshot from Practice SATT Control uses which of the following to successfully compete against much larger competitors cid 10 A Excellent project management B Acts as a system integrator C Using the same subsystem vendors again and again D Both A and B are correct E A B and C are all correct cid 10 11 Which of the following is not a key to successful partnering relationships cid 10 cid 10 12 Which of the following is part of the traditional project process cid 10 cid 10 13 The traditional project process includes all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 A Mutual trust B Jointly shared risk C Total company involvement D Independent project teams E Long term commitment A Structured communications B Long term commitment C Total company involvement D Both A and B are correct E A B and C are all correct A Independent project teams B Shared goals and objectives C Single project teams D Risk is transferred to the other party E Limited objectivity 14 Which of the following did the state of Ohio do before starting a bond financed school construction cid 10 project cid 10 A Create a specific RFP request for proposal B Have a dress rehearsal C Reviews the performance of contractors on past projects D Both A and C are correct E A B and C are all correct 15 Best practices in outsourcing project work include all the following except cid 10 cid 10 A Well defined requirements and procedures B Training and teambuilding activities C Well established conflict management processes D Frequent reviews and status updates E All of these are best practices 16 In the Snapshot from Practice Strategies for Communicating with Outsourcers which of the following was not one of the suggested strategies cid 10 A Recognize cultural differences B Use a translator to make sure everyone understands C Choose the right words D Confirm your requirements E Set deadlines cid 10 17 To make sure that an outsourcer thoroughly understands your requirements you should cid 10 cid 10 A Document your conversations in writing B Insist that the outsourcer write the requirements in their own words C Request they build a prototype D Both A and C are correct E A B and C are all correct 18 The result of teambuilding among the project s participants is a cid 10 cid 10 A Signed contract B Legal partnership agreement C Project plan D Partnering charter E Responsibility matrix 19 To avoid problems with schedules and deadlines you should cid 10 cid 10 A Develop detailed schedules B Hold frequent status reviews C Add a penalty clause to the contract D Hold frequent conversations with the outsourcer E Build extra time into the schedules that the outsourcer is not aware of 20 Among the many advantages for establishing long term partnerships are cid 10 cid 10 A Reduced administrative costs B Improved performance C Improved communication D B and C are both correct E A B and C are all correct 21 Long term partnerships will provide all the following except cid 10 cid 10 A Improved communication B More efficient utilization of resources C Reduced need for total number of partnerships D Lower administrative costs E Improved innovation 22 Teambuilding between partners should cid 10 cid 10 A Include engineers architects lawyers specialists and other staff B Be facilitated by an outside consultant C Not take more than one day D A and B are both correct E A B and C are all correct 23 Which of the following would be included in best practices in outsourcing project work cid 10 cid 10 A Establishing long term relationships B Include financial incentives C Reduce costs by using tried and true methods D A and B are both correct E A B and C are all correct 24 In the Snapshot from Practice dealing with the Value Engineering Awards program which branch of the cid 10 U S government was involved cid 10 A Department of Defense B Department of Commerce C Department of Transportation D N A S A E Department of Education A Use objective criteria when possible B Be honest and forthright C Focus on interests not positions D Separate the people from the problem E Invent options for mutual gain 25 Which of the following is not one of the key points of principled negotiation cid 10 cid 10 26 Customer satisfaction can be quantitified by cid 10 cid 10 A Perceived performance divided by actual performance B Actual performance divided by expected performance C Perceived performance divided by

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