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ch11 Student 1 The essence of positive synergy can be found in the phrase cid 10 cid 10 A Front of ship sink back of ship sink B There is no I in team C Two heads are better than one D The whole is greater than the sum of the parts E If it doesn t kill you it makes you stronger 2 Which of the following is commonly associated with high performing project teams cid 10 cid 10 A Risk taking is controlled and not allowed to jeopardize the overall project B Roles and specific responsibilities are well defined C A degree of competition among team members is encouraged D Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning E All of these are associated with high performing teams 3 During which stage of team development do members accept that they are part of a project group but resist the constraints that the project and the group put on their individuality cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming cid 10 4 During which stage of team development do close relationships develop and the group demonstrates 5 During which stage of team development is the team fully functional and accepted cid 10 cid 10 6 During which stage of team development is high performance not a top priority and team member cid 10 cohesiveness cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming cid 10 cid 10 emotions run from upbeat to depressed cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming and what performance expectations are cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming 7 During which stage of team development do team members try to find out what behaviors are acceptable 8 Sam is the coach of a high school soccer team and has noticed that some close relationships have formed as well as feelings of camaraderie and shared responsibilities for the team s success Which stage of development is the team in cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming cid 10 9 Roger is new product project manager for a retail company Recently the team has exhibited a high degree of conflict over who will control the group and how decisions will be made Which stage of development is the team in cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming cid 10 10 Tom is managing a project team responsible for erecting a new office building He notices that team members are trying out different behaviors to see what is acceptable to the project and personal relations Which stage of development is the team in cid 10 A Norming B Storming C Performing D Adjourning E Forming cid 10 11 Experience and research indicate that high performance project teams are much more likely to develop 12 In which of the following theories does the project group transition from a lower level to a higher level of cid 10 under all the following conditions except cid 10 A Members are assigned to the project full time B Members report solely to the project manager C There are 10 or fewer members per team D Team members are selected by their managers E The project involves a compelling objective cid 10 performance about halfway through the project cid 10 A Nominal Group Technique B Five Stage Team Development Model C Punctuated Equilibrium Model of Group Development D Dysfunctional Transition Model E Synergistic Transition Development Model A The budget available B The importance of the project C The management structure for the project team D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct cid 10 recruitment process cid 10 A Political connections B Problem solving ability C Ambition initiative and energy D High degree of technological expertise E Availability 13 Which of the following are considered very important in the recruiting of project members cid 10 cid 10 14 Which of the following is not one of the considerations that need to be factored into the project team 15 Which of the following is an objective of the first project team meeting cid 10 cid 10 A Overview the project s scope and objectives B Address interpersonal interaction concerns C Model how the team will work together D Both A and C are correct E A B and C are all correct cid 10 early stages of a project cid 10 A Relationship Decisions B Managing Change Decisions C Tracking Decisions D Planning Decisions E All of these need to be addressed 16 Which of the following is not one of the major issues that successful project managers must address in the 17 Researchers have found that high performance teams will have which of the following norms cid 10 cid 10 18 All of the following have been found to be good for running effective project meetings except cid 10 cid 10 A Hard work does not get in the way of having fun B No information is shared outside the team unless all agree to it C It is acceptable to be in trouble but not to surprise others D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct A Start meetings on time regardless of whether everyone is present B Identify an adjournment time C Thoroughly document all decisions D Prepare and distribute an agenda prior to the meeting E All of these are good for effective meetings 19 Establishing a team identity is facilitated by cid 10 cid 10 A Team members working in a common space B Creation of a project team name C Effective use of meetings D Both A and B are correct E A B and C are all correct 20 The essential qualities of an effective vision include all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 A All team members have the same vision B The vision should be communicated to all C The vision has to make strategic sense D There should be a passion for the vision E The vision should be a source of inspiration to others 21 Which of the following would be considered the most effective project reward cid 10 cid 10 A Individual member rewards B Lump sum cash award C All expenses paid trip for team members and their families D Using negative reinforcement to motivate adequate performance E All of these are equally effective 22 Individual rewards for outstanding work would not include cid 10 cid 10 A Letters of commendation B Public recognition C Desirable job assignments D Making exceptions to the rules E All of these can be used for individual rewards 23 The first step in facilitating group decision making is to cid 10 cid 10 A Call a meeting to discuss the problem B Identify the problem C Agree that there is a problem D Quantify the problem E Generate alternatives 24 Strategies to manage dysfunctional conflict do

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