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The English Colonies Massachusetts January 23rd Major Questions colonies Virginia 1 What are the character defining characteristics of the two Massachusetts 2 Who settled in Massachusetts and why 3 What are major differences between the two Massachusetts colonies and Outline 1 Religious turmoil in Europe a 1517 Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation i Martin Luther was a German Catholic monk ii He was convinced he was going to Hell because that is the default destination for everyone because all humans are hopelessly sinful iii The Catholic church had a system to get people out of Hell Goodness was sold out of the Treasury of Merits but Martin Luther had a problem with this system b Protest of practices plus a desire for reform lead to the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther protested the practices of the Catholic church and wrote the 95 Theses which protested all the unjust practices like the merit system i The Pope excommunicated Martin Luther and this launched the Protestant Reformation c Priesthood of all believers The idea that all believers are priests unto themselves i ii Inherently hostile to authority and hierarchy It becomes really important for people to read the Bible and thus literacy rates are on the rise 2 Political turmoil in England Religious turmoil leads to political turmoil in England a 1534 Henry VIII creates the Church of England AKA Anglican Church i He was married but his wife could not bear a son He wanted to marry someone that would produce an heir but the Catholic church was not okay with divorce and remarriage ii He cut ties with Rome was excommunicated and installs himself as head and this system maintains the hierarchy in Catholicism b Protestant in name only retains the hierarchical structure and showy c 1500s Puritans want to purify the Church of England of its Catholic ritual ness make modest gains d 1625 1649 King Charles I persecutes the Puritans King Charles I roles back all Protestant gains that have been made because he s Catholic did not like Parliament or Protestants and saw them as hostile to hierarchy and monarchy i He hates the English Parliament because only the Parliament has the right to tax English people ii He wants to tax the Puritans and if they don t pay they go to the Star Chamber which is an unfair panel of people and most of the time they would end up getting tortured e 1629 1642 The Puritan Great Migration All of this results in the Puritan Great Migration which is purification of the Catholic Church i The English Civil War ended the Puritan Great Migration in 1642 f 1688 The Glorious Revolution i Makes it safe for Protestants of all kinds ii Parliament passes the English Bill of Rights that says Parliament has to rule with monarchy iii The English invite the Dutch Protestant king to take over 3 1620 Plymouth and the Pilgrim Separatists a Pilgrim Separatists not Puritans i There was no hope for the English church ii Less than 0 5 of the pilgrims were Puritans b Myth vs reality Not puritans no freedom no rock no friendly Indians i Only of the Mayflower passengers were searching for freedom the others were opportunists and were looking for gold or things they could sell back in their country ii There was no Plymouth Rock they landed around the Cape Cod Provincetown area c Disease and grave robbing The graves were perfect site because they provided them with things that would help the pilgrims get past their first winter i 1560 Native Americans of coastal Massachusetts had died off due to virgin soil epidemics which left the Patuxet village which is where the pilgrims began their new life ii The pilgrims dig up Patuxet Indian food cashes for winter iii They took bows bowls and things from graves iv They thought that they were having great luck because of God and did not realize that it was actually what the Patuxets left behind d Spring 1621 The fields are ready to plant 1614 Squanto is captured and sold into slavery in Spain rescued and he learned English 1620 He bartered his way back to North America to find his village disseminated 1621 He became an interpreter to help with the peace treaty with Wampanoag Indians This leads to the first Thanksgiving 4 Massachusetts Bay colony and the Puritans Established in 1629 a Bigger and more important The MA Bay colony sets the tone for greater New England development i The purpose was to turn a profit ii They had three times the population in one year 1630 as the Plymouth colony The average woman had seven children so the population grew immensely and very quickly iii Boston was the seat of the MA Bay colony b Strong role for family Most women had seven children on average i They did not rely on indentured servants for work but instead used their large families for labor i c Pact with God to create a holy community obedience and social unity John Winthrop Puritan lawyer and governor 1630 1649 He wanted to create a religious community and to do this there must be obedience and social unity ii Wrote the Arbella Sermon Declares that all Puritan colonies are part of a special pact with God 1 Once elected they are bound to obey the Will of God not men as they see fit iii Social unity is essential Puritans think that individual thoughts will disrupt the social unity 1 Obedience is core 2 Women children and servants obey the male head 3 Male head obeys ministers and town government 4 Only male land owning men can vote d Economy Competency through mixed agriculture trade and social stratification Economically most European colonies have enough money i Their goal in life is to achieve competency economic independence 1 Own their own land 2 Grow crops for family 3 Grow crops for sale ii They can achieve Divine Grace Providence by doing all these things and usually depend on their own families for labor iii They are not as wealthy but more evenly distributed iv There are bigger roles for churched and families e 1637 Pequot War The drive for competency puts pressure on Native American land and the Pequot War is the response to dishonest English trading practices i English launch an attack of Mystic Fort and set all homes on fire Very few people escaped but the escaped men were executed and the women and children were sold into slavery in the Caribbean John Eliot 1640 1670 Lead an effort to converted shattered North American communities Native Americans were forced to live in praying towns where they were required to wear English clothes and hairstyles banned all Native American religious

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UGA HIST 2111 - The English Colonies

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