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Study Guide for Life on Planet Earth Test Properties of life Growth reproduce acquire energy metabolize adapt change Metabolism also creates waste products and converts materials and energy for its needs Life is constantly changing and adapting respond to stimuli regulate internal environment homeostasis What is the fundamental unit of life Cell Life is celluar the basic unit of life Every cell has its own membrane and contains full set of instructions necessary for operation What is the path of flow of all information in all forms of life every cell uses the same operation system DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid Info set of instructions What makes you you Born with this and you will have it forever even passing it onto your children RNA Ribonucleic Acid Translates information What are the functions of the DNA RNA and proteins DNA information set RNA transport mechanism takes instructions about proteins out for the DNA Proteins are required for everything Protein Structure totally needed underlying DNA DNA RNA Proteins molecular bio Also known as Central Dogma What are some examples of living systems Living systems life Cell organism human ecosystem What are the organizing principles of living systems Open systems constant circulation Response to external conditions Example eat too much you feel full Mutli scale interactions made up of many parts that interact at multiple spatial scales Size of molecule next to entire plant small or large Can be from front of room to back or close Emergent Properties trait or attribute that emerges when objects interact and is different than the objects themselves Examples of input throughput output feedback Input resources taken out or received Throughput transforming input to something different Conversion or transformation of resources by system Output work of the system is exported into the environment Feedback response of the system in order to make changes to survive and grow Examples of living system regulation Living system is an open system input throughput output Living systems take in energy Physiological regulation ability to adjust and maintain Temperature hot fever Behavioral response throws something and you duck behavior changes Behavioral regulation Pain flinch Normal condition in response to infection pepper makes you sneeze What is homeostasis Maintaining order in the face of disturbance ex shiver when cold sweat when hot maintain stable internal environment Balance Living systems are made up of interacting parts that exist at multiple scales Structure of Atoms 98 of atoms in your body weren t there one year ago Always changing DNA Skin is new every 4 weeks new Liver is new in 6 weeks Heart takes 5 7 months and the skeleton takes 2 years to be replaced Why is all life as we know it based on the carbon atom Atoms basic building block protons and neutrons in nucleus electrons orbit around in shells Two or more atoms form bonds molecules join together because they have opposite electrical charges Organic molecule carbon based molecules 4 electrons in outer shell joins with different types and creates better molecules most life is carbon based What is emergent property The whole is more than the sum of its parts Life is an emergent property because interacting Metabolism creates microbial components of immune system resistance to disease Mutations in DNA evolution ex no tanning bc of cancer Millions of molecules life Microbial metabolism ecosystem nutrient cycling Notes on How life fits together Biological organization Single cell unicellular More than one cell together tissue 4 types of tissues bone connective blood liquid Tissue group of same cells working together Organs group of tissues that differ Organ system multiple organs working together examples digestive system talks all nutrients we need and get rid of the rest All organ systems rely on each other to maintain stability homeostasis Group of organ systems organisms diverse bacteria or human Ecosystems earth biosphere Origin of Life have to be physical evidence of life What do fossils tell us Oldest fossil 3 5 billion years First multicellular fossil 1 billion years ago First major land plants 475 million years ago How far back in time is the first fossil record of life 3 5 billion years ago Species evolve from a common ancestor All life has a common origin Tree of Life What current paradigm shapes what we think about the origin of life Tree of life show you how all animals are connected in time If paradigm is true what is the logical implication about characteristic of life Common characteristics must be the most ancient What are the two characteristics regarding energy Common characteristic 1 Energy processing all cells get energy from sunlight or energy rich compounds All cells transfer energy with ATP Characteristics common to all forms of life 2 DNA molecules contain information RNA translates information Protein crucial process structure Central Dogma DNA RNA Protein Implication lifes response to the condition resulted in conserved biochemistry How is Earth s atmosphere different today than it was when life was formed Current conditions have been profoundly altered by life atmosphere of earth about 21 oxygen 0 03 carbon dioxide Atmosphere of Mars and Venus less than 1 oxygen How are lifes building blocks thought to have formed Amino acids CO2 organic compounds Formed by lightening UV radiation reacting with Oxygen reacts and transforms destroys these atmosphere compounds What destroys them Oxygen What is the evidence that the earliest forms of life developed in the absence of oxygen Implication of life must ve originated without oxygen Life existed when there was minimal oxygen DNA sequences determine the Tree of Life Most ancient forms of life Dies in the presence of oxygen Takes up surrounding organic compounds What is the purpose of science To seek natural explanations about phenomena What are the assumptions of science All natural phenomena have a natural explanations follow natural patterns and rules Patterns and rules are consistent over time and space Uncover them using scientific methods Definition of Science An organized body of knowledge about the natural world Systematic process of acquiring organizing and communicating this knowledge List the Rules of science Based on evidence measure objectively and not guessed subjectively back statements with evidence use large sample size test have controls to account for different variables cite sources of information

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KSU BSCI 10002 - Properties of life

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